[center][h1][color=aqua]Umichi[/color][/h1][/center] As they spoke, Suki said [color=bc8dbf]"And some don't have any relatives with them"[/color]. Umichi looked down a little, in a little bit of regret in his choice of words.[color=bc8dbf]"Sorry"[/color] She looked away, looking down, and didn't speak again as Aikoto spoke up, saying he had people, and not to worry. In reply, Umichi shook his head, [color=aqua]"No, you are right no need to apologise. I did say it in such a way. But in the end, look. There are people here willing to help. I think the best thing we can do, is get through this game as soon as possible. Become a beacon of hope, I guess."[/color] He had replied to Suki afterwards. Exiting the city, they could see the boars being picked off near the Town of Beginnings. It wasn't until later that they were able to find one to kill, in which Suki ended up speaking, [color=bc8dbf]"Well. First step to defeating all 100 floors, right?"[/color], after finishing it off. She gave off a sad smile. In turn, he sighed. Umichi noticed Ritaka smile back, however, he could not do the same when the smile was so sad. Walking up to her, he tried to find the words to say. [i]What do I say? Don't force yourself? Don't worry about what's happening? What's wrong? What do I say?[/i] These questions raced his mind wondering what to say. He wasn't quite sure whether she was trying hard not to be break down or whether something else was bothering her. Was she lonely? What was the problem. He didn't quite know, he only knew there was a problem. He then decided what to say, speaking softly into her ear, so the others didn't hear. [color=aqua]"I don't know what is bothering you, but if you ever need to talk, I will be here. You don't need to force yourself to smile when you are sad. I don't know what I can do for you, but let me try to help okay? I know we just met, so I won't force you to say anything. I will be here for you to talk to if you ever need me."[/color] He smiled a soft caring smile towards her, before continuing on his walking. Speaking what he felt, they continued their way to Geniku. There were several boars and wolves along the way. The sky was ever darkening. Looking up, he could see it was a much better view of the sky, than in the city. It was almost country-side like. Without looking down, in he noticed a [color=f7976a]Frenzied Boar[/color] attempting to charge at him in the corner of his eye. Taking a small step back as it charged at him, with his sword on his shoulder, he striked with [color=blue]<>[/color], killing the enemy without even looking. A while later, there were a group of players in need of help behind the team. [color=aqua]"I'll be back real quick"[/color] he called to the others, running back. The group of players were being overwhelmed by a number of boars and wolves. Running to them, Umichi jumped over a wolf, cutting it along the way. Since it was partly hurt already, it was killed, exploding into triangular pieces of light. Moving on, he used [color=blue]<>[/color], sweeping a cut across, managing a wide enough attack to kill two more wolves. After killing a few more, and the group of players having killed the rest. They thanked him for his help. [color=aqua]"No worries, but you should really head to town. You can get their quickly if you have your [b]<>[/b]. There was one to start with. Remember to use them in cases of emergency, they can save you."[/color] he informed them, before heading off to rejoin the group. The battle was quite short, it was not long enough to require assistance from the others, nor did they have much time to react to his sudden departure. [color=aqua]"Sorry about that guys."[/color] he apologised to them joining up with them again. Immediately, he noticed a [color=red]Dire Wolf[/color] heading towards them, so he jumped around the group and attacked it, with a few hits. [color=aqua]"Anyway, I think we are almost at Geniku, at least from what I can tell from the map"[/color] Umichi said, bringing out the guidebook from his pouch. Placing it back into the pouch, he continued to walk from the back of the party, noticing more of the surroundings and guarding the rear. He looked up at the sky once more. [i]She really would of liked to have seen this.[/i] he thought to himself. [@Caits] [@Savo] [@Ebil Bunny] [hr] [center][h1][color=thistle]YukiHana[/color][/h1][/center] *Sniffle* *Sniffle* Those were the sounds coming from YukiHana. The two of them before her were trying to help her. She understood that. She wanted to find her family quickly. The female then suggested for them to party up. Unsure of what it meant, YukiHana saw a window pop up, saying that someone called Aero wished to party up with her. Accepting, she could see two more green bars under her own. One said the name Aero, the other said Jax. She tried to say their names. [color=thistle]"J... Jax... nii-san .... A ... Ae ... Aero ... nee...san"[/color] YukiHana continued to sniffle. Her mouth shut tight, she tried to hold it in, the urge to cry once more. Jax then asked whether he should look for YukiHana's family or if Aero should. The girl stayed crouched on the ground, sniffling away, waiting. [@Stale Pizza] [@Eklispe]