Before the events of the tournament --------------- Gelato produced a beaming expression of happiness, his huge lumbering albino form slowly approached the area where the tournament was being held, a slight rumble echoing with each stomp he made, causing him to catch many human(and otherwise) gazes, which seemed obvious, after all, not only was he tall and bulky, but his colour was an odd white and pink pigment, making the dragon out to look rather strange. However with the weather perfect for combat, clean skies and not even the slightest inch of rainfall, The Giras proudly wagged his tail, fixing the mini top hat upon his head, there was no way he was going to let the staring and childish laughing of a select few around him bother him. He had pre-registered for the tournament by chance, after meeting with one of the registers the night before, and without even questioning what the reward was going to be, the huge dinosaur like creature, merely excited to test his strength against many strong, powerful opponents signed up without even thinking about it, and now was approaching to finally show off what he could do. Turning around yet another corner, the Giras started to think to himself out loud, wiping his brow, having been walking for several hours since this morning to reach the tournament. [color=f49ac2]"Y- you'd think they would tell you were it was...! Come on, it's a big tournament, r-right? Wait..."[/color] Gelato frowned comically, as he stared behind him, on instinct, his wings flickered and flapped, Gelato having totally forgot about using his wings to find the tournament, he wasted no time lifting his hulking form off the streets, shooting upward into the sky to find the tournament. Gelato surveyed the land around him, sniffing in the air and trying to use his eyes to find the tournament himself, his senses saw him make landing next to a location where a small tournament was being held, and to his surprise, he found the man who registered him standing outside! How odd he pondered, before he landed, patting the man quickly on the shoulder, which made him swirl around in surprise, yelping also at the surprised heavy pat. [b]"W- what a- oh! Oh! You're the fighter who wanted to register yesterday right? Well congratulations!"[/b] Gelato raised his left eye muscle, as one would raise an eyebrow, obviously concerned and curious as to his shy, cowardly mannerisms, however, it might have just been how he normally behaved. As to not seem rude, Gelato refused to question him about it , deciding to talk about the tournament, and as he spoke, he put a hand on his chin, proceeding with a pondering expression. [color=f49ac2]"Thanks I guess.. But where on earth it the tournament? And what are you doing here at this tiny place? Shouldn't we be heading to the real tournament?"[/color] The short human suddenly grew as white as the colour of his own body, and in unison vibrated faster than he's ever seen a person tremble, his mouth twitched, his vision grew wide eyed as he swallowed in haste, as if attempting to swallow some sort of fear, though Gelato was curious as to why, he couldn't have been afraid of himself could he? But before he could speak, the short man finally worked up the courage to say something himself. [b]"Ahaha.. well.. that's just it... This IS the tournament...!"[/b] A comic yet menacing silenced quickly filled the air, the Giras blinking for several moments, puzzled, confused and slightly furious as to the words that came out of the registerer's mouth, steam flared out of Gelato's snout, causing his human "friend" to surprisingly shift to an even whiter shade! Props to the human, he could have gone into business as a living colour changer based on this technique! Though Gelato had no idea whatsoever as to the true reason, all he could think about was the sheer dissapointment, but instead of lashing out and unleashing a roar of anger like one would expect a giras to do, his words came out low and defeated, with a hint of begging(in a "Aww, come on!" tone). [color=f49ac2]"What?! Are you kidding me?! I thought you said this would be a grand tournament with tons of fighters and a bajillion Zeni...!"[/color] The human proceeded to take two steps back, but like a copycat, the Giras stepped forward toward him, the giras' wings flopped down, his tail crashed and sulked along the stonefloor. Whilst Gelato moved toward the human, he immediately spoke up, h olding his hands out defensively. [b]"You wishfully misinterpreted that! I said read the advertisement, but you just signed and stormed away knocking down five tables on your way out of the Inn! C- come on, you'll still join though right? I hear some great competition is going to be here..!"[/b] Gelato flared his nostrils, folding his arms and turned his head away from the human, clearly upset whilst also angry like a child would be, speaking like a brat who didn't get a toy, while his tail slammed down, cracking the stone below him. [color=f49ac2]"Grr... F- fine... I'l join but only because I want to test my fighting skills! ... Also there's going to be food here right?"[/color] [b]"W- well uhm..." [/b] Gelato immediately shot him a menacing, slow and aggressive glare, a slight growl escaping muzzle, causing the human to immediately change his tone of voice while he spoke up. Which was just as well, Gelato tries to be a nice guy, but if push comes to shove, if small bad occurrences happen one after another, then the nice guy goes away and bad things tent to happen. [b]"I- I mean s- sure! I'l try and get something for everyone! T- the fighters tent is right there! Feel free to go in and enjoy yourself! I'm sure we'll get a fight for you in no time at all"[/b] As if it was all just a facade, Gelatos' expression suddenly changed to a wide merry smile, expressing this with a respectful nod, the pterodactyl beast's tail lifted while swaying in joy once more, while he proudly stomped toward the fighters tent, heading inside. Gelato soon found a spot in the tent where nobody would disturb him as he immediately sat down and yawned, rubbing his eyes a little tiredly with all the walking and flying worked up not only his hunger but his fatigue, though he was sure they'd be able to find him, even if he was covered which is why he proceeded to take some of the cloth off a piece of the tent, ripping it open and carving a blanket from it, he smiled while draping it over his whole body, leaving only a small sample of his tail visible, Gelato proceeding to rest and relax, to recover for the fight. ----------------- Present time at the tournament. ----------------- Several hours had passed since he napped, over that time other tournament fighters had fought, gelato had yet to be called up to fight himself as proven by his natural wake. Gelato threw the piece of tent off himself, a long, loud, lethargic yawn got the attention of a few fighters in the tent area once the massive dinosaur stood, scratching his sides. Gelato felt great after such a nap, helping to improve his senses whilst helping him gain back some of the energy he lost during his time finding the mini tournament. However there was only one problem, and that was displayed by the sound of his rotund stomach producing a whine of hunger, the dinosaurs desire for food became his goal for the meantime, as his loud stomps echoed, getting louder as he approached what appeared to be the multi-armed woman Vanina with a monkey tailed humanoid named Kota. Interrupting their conversation not only because of his size... or his growling gut or his tremoring stomps, but also by speaking up, as he stood behind Kota, looking down at both of them, though he showed no sign of malevolence, and in fact looked a little shy. [color=f49ac2]"Excuse me... Uh... Is there any food being given out yet? I just woke up so... I'm a little hungry...! That and I may or may not have forgot to make any food myself so... Heh... Sorry...! Oh! The names Gelato! Uh... nice to make your acquaintance."[/color]