-Makoto Aiko/Aikoto- As the boy continued onwards, brandishing his sword as he continued his walk, he couldn't help but feel uneasy each step he took forward, horrible curiosity set itself in his mind. Everyone else most likely had similar thoughts, but he for one could be incorrect with that assumption as myriads teemed over the brink of loss and no return. Aikoto himself knew he also wasn't an exception, no matter how calm and collected he could act. He slightly frowned as he stared at the ground with his solemn eyes, moving his free hand to push his glasses up a bit before looking forward to the wayward paths ahead. [i]"Our destinations like in wait, each of us playing our own role in this unique survival game. We each hold our our own classified specialties, pushing ourselves onwards, becoming breakers or the broken of our own natural limitations... hm... The thought of dying seems so fleeting as we gamble with our lives. I can't get a semblence of why he made such a dangerous realm, but I for one know that he shouldn't play with our lives like this... I'm going to clear these one-hundred floors and not only help my friends escape, but Suki, Ritaka, and Umichi too. As long as I stand, I promise you all won't die... and sis, mother, father, and everyone else, I won't falter and become enveloped in despair. I'll keep true to my purpose..."[/i] As these thoughts settled in his head, a message popped on his screen, all three of them agreeing to his plan either begrudgingly or gladly. Kazuki seemed disgruntled slightly, demanding why he had to be the one who would fight instead of them. With his free left hand, he began typing them back his reasons for doing so, proclaiming he was much more efficient and knew the risks, deciding to take their place so they wouldn't run the risk. The words on the screen reflected off of his glasses, along with some of the arrogance and prudence he had inputted into the message. As finished the first part, he gave a slight huff and smile as he went onto part two, explaining what roles he had in mind for each of them. Upon giving them his answer, he inputted his final regards, typing in something to each of them, before frowning, not wanting to show his worry or cause them to go against his wished which were probably for the best. Finally, he was satisfied and no longer needed needed make further changes to the way he worded it all, and clicked the send button, giving them their incentive to satisfy some of the needed jobs. He could only hope that Kazuki would be appeased with his message as she was rather stubborn and the most hot-headed out of the group. Once she got started, he knew she wouldn't stop until reaching the brink. He closed his eyes, softly begging that she wouldn't resist like the other few times they brought trouble. As he watched brought back to the reality he was ensnared in, looking around the world which was in such a dreamlike state that hid the nightmares well. He had to admit that even if they were numbers, this world was beautiful to him, even if it was fabricated. He put a hand up to his chin, thinking of what to compare this horribly lovely world to. Eventually he was brought back to the world with the sound of clashing metal, flesh, and data as sharp weapons intertwined with creatures programmed to kill them. He sighed, before staring daggers at the monsters, before awaiting their assault before swiftly striking each monster down, whether it was Cursed Boars or Dire Wolves, the boy took them down with ease. With this amount of experience popping up on their screens, he had no doubt they would possibly level up soon, or so he thought. Data, ending their own lives... [i]... A yellow rose...[/i] As he consistently fought with each of them, Suki, gave a melancholic statement, with a sad glimmer in her eye as she smiled. Makoto couldn't help but feel the need to bring her spirits up somehow as he disliked seeing the girl in this mood, and rotated his head towards her. He temporarily unequiped his glasses from his face, giving the girl a smile as he stared directly at her with his caring eyes. "... Even if its our first steps, it will help everyone work towards a bright future. The stronger we are, the more relieved and encouraged a person feels. Listen, I can get a semblence of the despair your feeling from whatever thoughts you have, and I even feel some too to be quite frank. I might be incorrect, but I understand the immense fear you have. I promise to make that go away for you, alright? The same goes for the rest of the people here. So please, don't look so gloomy. Keep your chin up, and I'm sure Umichi, Ritaka, you, I, and the rest will conquer this game, right guys?" The boy had his final statement resonate loud enough to for them to hear so it could possibly envelop them with a coat of confidence for a dark future. He went against the tides, stubbornly continuing to believe he would stay the same just as the solemn sea and that this would be over soon. It was an optimistic and yet closed way of thought that would fizzle out of existence eventually. He was already changing, just as everyone was, even if it was minor. The boy kept the smile on his face as he closed his eyes and put his glasses on, giving the girl a real smile, never feigned. Eventually his eyes returned forward to an unforgiving path, one that would prick and nip at him consistently until the end of his days. As he went on with the group, he looked upwards as a night sky took form, a cool breeze slightly blowing by his face. He reajusted his glasses, returning himself to that neutral expression as he continued to traverse forward. "I never really noticed the night sky, nor appreciated it before. Even if it is fabricated, it looks... nice, doesn't it? Maybe when I return, I can go on a trip with my friends to enjoy nature for what it is... Hey Suki, Ritaka, Umichi, what do you think?" [@Caits] Sith [@Little_ninja] [@Ebil Bunny]