off course you can take Dark. also just cause you choose 1 element wont mean no one else can take it as well, the race may be hidden but is quit large in numbers. I just prefer it if everyone chooses at least 1 not used element so we can try and have all of them in our little group XD (little... hmmm at least 14 char's XD) I my self will go with: water, crystal and electric the last 2 are because they are my fav elements, and water, well I have a char already for that, she was the base for the entire race even XD though I am still kinda wondering on what to do exactly with her due to either a plot connection for why it all started or just use her base version and separate her from the plot.... hmmm just got an nice idea which allows me to do both, just have to think off the lore behind it XD anyway I have put up the race basic data, the slightly more advanced info (the elements direct connection to the base data) will come an other time, first I want to see if you guys can understand what I have typed down and if there are any questions once I got the basics down and you can all understand it I will start on the OOC (may do so sooner, but that kinds of depends on some stuff) Also put down more info about the elemental beasts Also, Reaper do you wish to use multiple chars, seeing you asked about that as well ^^