A party leader huh? Well it wasn't something that Dar had expected to become so early but he was glad that he had someone to travel with now. Truth be told he was a bit more paranoid about combat and the world now. Before hand he hadn't paid dying a second thought, but even the slightest mistake could result in a grisly end. Dar didn't have a ton of Col left over after purchasing his two hander from earlier, but he managed to scrounge up enough to buy a torch and a ration or two. He imagined that when he got to the next town he could take a quest or sell any materials that they might pick up on the way. They were bound to get in a fight or two. With that, they were off. Dar and Geist moved towards their destination while taking care to follow the general path that the map had indicated for them. However just as Dar had expected, they wouldn't be getting there without a fight. As the three dire wolves attacked them and Geist called out, Dar gritted his teeth and drew the sword from his back, taking it up in both hands as he waited for one of the wolves to come for him. [color=0076a3]"Right..let's go!"[/color] He shouted. One of the wolves had gone after Geist while another had gone straight for him. Dar brought his sword up and across in a horizonal slash at the wolf, cutting it in mid air and knocking it back. It was wounded now, so he quickly went to follow up with another strike activating a skill. <[color=0076a3]> [/color] Dar brought his sword down in an overhead swing that clobbered the dazed wolf into the ground and split it into pixels. There was a small indent in the ground where the blow had landed. Dar smiled at the result of his kill but had forgotten a key game mechanic in his excitement, the cooldown period. Furthermore, he had forgotten that there was another wolf on the prowl. While he was vunerable the other wolf went for the opportunity strike and latched into his shoulder, making a quick bite and then kicking off Dar to get some distance. Dar cried out in pain but then subdued it to a grunt as he looked back at the wolf. [color=0076a3]"Bastard, you'll pay for that!"[/color] He said as he readied his sword again. He had taken a good bit of damage from that blow, he had to be careful not to get flanked again. Fighting alongside Geist would help with that. Dar repositioned himself so he was near his teammate before he also noticed something a short distance away from them. There was another person figthing some more wolves, probably ones that had been summoned by the others' howling. It looked like they could use some help too. There was no time to discuss it. [color=0076a3]"Geist! Over there! C'mon!"[/color] Dar said as he started towards the other person. In the meantime, the wolf that had bit him earlier went for another strike. This time though, Dar was ready. [color=0076a3]<> [/color] Dar brought up the broad part of his sword and deflected the wolf's blow, pushing it back and throwing it a short distance away. He did his best not to get too far from Geist but he needed to get to this other guy quick. [color=0076a3]"Hey! You ok?"[/color] Dar yelled. [@LupusIntus][@_Middle_]