[@Little_Ninja] [@Eklispe] Masae merely stared at the little girl, and soon enough her party requests were accepted, revealing two glowing markers (though if the two were to see her, Masae had one as well) on the top of their heads. [i]Jax...and Yuki-Hana.[/i] she repeated in her mind. Soon afterward, she was named by Yuki, and Masae bit her lip as she realized how weird "Aero" sounded, especially when someone younger was addressing her. "...How about you just call me Nagayama, Yuki?" she suggested, smiling warmly. She didn't have any problems revealing her name online; they weren't creepy molester-adults, after all. Plus, she was already regretting her name. [i]Does this game let you change your name?[/i] "Masae Nagayama (surname last)." With that resolved, Masae suddenly thought of her own family. What were they doing now? Surely her dad returned from work by now, and both of them have heard the news...is her body lying in a hospital? What were they doing right now? Do they think she's dead? Masae tried not to think about that, and sighed, finally paying her attention to Jax. "We can split up, but we can't run too far. I don't know how far the party member indicator goes, so we're not taking chances." She turned back to Yuki, pushing her glasses again. "You promise you won't wander off anywhere, Yuki? Don't worry...just calm down. They're here somewhere, I know it," Masae coaxed. "Also, do you know what your grandpa and siblings look like in real life? Anything that sticks out?"