With a almost frighteningly animal like growl of eagerness, Yoyo ran forward when her name was called. She was in center of the ring practically before her opponents name had been finished being said. She was bouncing up and down on the balls of her feat, as light as air and more than ready to get started. She continued to wait for her opponent to enter the ring. And she waited...and waited, and waited. A good five minutes passed at there was no movement from any of the entrances form the wing. She gave the Announcer a confused look and he looked back at her just as unaware of what the hold up was. He stood up from the seat, retrieving the microphone and the tournament notes; making sure he had read the right name or looking to see if there had been any last minute back outs. Sure enough the roster still said 'Yoyo V Power'. He cleared his throat into microphone and said "Uh, Powers? Mr Dave Powers? Your needed at the ring." "Hold your horses!" came a rather petulant sounding voice. Yoyo looked to the ring entrance that the voice and came from and did not see the competitor entering from it, rather few young men running out and became to quickly scramble around the ring setting up various forms of equipment. Each of them wore a black T-shirt that said 'Team POWER'. She stopped her enthusiastic bouncing, and stared at the commotion with her head tilted and a puzzled look on her face. in another minute or two lights were blinking and dancing along the stage, some stock intro rock music was playing over speakers and a smoke machine was filling up the entrances to the arena. A voice came on over the newly set up speakers "He is strong as a mountain, he is a unyielding as the sea, he is as pure as gold. Introducing, the handsome, the masculine, the un-equaled daaaAAAAAVEEEE POWEEEEEEEEEER!" As the name rang out from the speakers a man emerged from the smoky entrance. He was of a significant height, A good head over Yoyo who was about 5'10'' her self. He had very classically handsome features, a square cleft jaw, well defined cheek bones, ect. As if someone had made the most generic looking man ever out of the various parts of male magazine models. Dressed in a gaudy glittery shirt with matching pants, each with rather long tassels fluttering from the legs and sleeves. His long blond hair flowed behind him as he walked up to the arena, stopping every few steps to pose at the audience, who stared back in awed befuddlement. The only clapping or cheering to be heard was from his group of 'team power' workers. He disdained the steps into the ring and did a jumping front flip forward up to the arena proper...only to have his foot catch on the tassels of the pants making him slip and fall on his ass. He bit down on a yelp of pain and mumbled a few quick curse words to himself before scrambling back to his feet and posing as if nothing had happened. He then began to pose and shout out a letter that he vaguely looked like he was posing as. "P-O-W-E-R! POWER POWER POWER!" A few flairs went off from the equipment set up on the last 'power' and all the music and lights shut off to a dead silent audience with the clapping and whistling of Dave Powers cronies the only noise. "Uh...right..." the announcer said quietly "Let the Match BEGIN!" Yoyo was particularly dumb struck by both the display and the poor luck she had with getting some show-boating buffoon as her opponent. He noted her face and smirked "Star struck are we little lady? Who can blame you, Not everyone can handle the POWER!" he struck another pose. "This torment is the first stepping stone to my glory. Soon after working my way up the ranks of tournaments and becoming a super star, you'll look at this day as a privilege that you could face such a paragon of manly beauty and talent." Yoyo simple couldn't find the words to express her complete disgust with this excuse of a combatant. She ground her teeth and felt her anger rising as the dipstick went on. "Tell you what, since I'd rather not have the bruises of a little lady like you on my consciences, how about you go ahead and forfeit this match and I won't have to hurt you. I'll throw in an autograph and a free power T shirt." He pulled said t out of seemingly nowhere and tossed it at her. That was Yoyo Zhao Ji's tipping point. She snarled and slashed her hand at the T, faint light dancing around her finger tips as she did. The garment exploded into shreds that fluttered to the ground. "I can't believe with all the interesting talent I've seen around this tourney I get to fight the clown." Power's face turned red with embarrassment and rage. "No one disrespects the Power Shirt!" He cried rushing forward and began a flurry of blows at Yoyo. She dodged and blocked them all with relatively minimal effort it would seem, her one counter blows flying back. Every strike she sent was aimed at his head though they all seemed to miss. After a few more minutes of that exchange the broke apart. Taking a few steps back from one another. "Now do you understand my POWER?!?" Dave said. "I won't defeated by just some little girl!" Yoyo rolled her eyes and held up one of her hands, In the open palm was a long lock of his hair. He blinked and shortly after he looked about the stage and saw locks of his hair were everywhere. He brought his hands to his head to find that his once glorious do was ragged patch work of furious lengths and rough cuts. Even some completely bald spots could be felt beneath his fingers. All those 'missed' hand strikes Yoyo had employed had been her using her tigers claws technique to destroy the mans hair. "There." she said letting the long blond hair fall between her fingers to the ground "A hair due fitting for a clown." The man cried out in rage and dashed forward. Yoyo, far swifter than the man, leaped forward and delivered a duel handed palm strike in the manes stomach that stopped him dead in his tracks. He gasped in air with a shocked sound of pain before simply collapsing on the ground. One ten count later and Yoyo was officially victorious. "What a bad joke." she grumbled flexing her fingers still glittering with light from her tiger claws technique, she swiped them at the stand holding up one of the man's speakers with slip as if cut with a sword and collapsed to the ground. She shook out her hand afterward as the light faded from her fingers "Well, at least next round is bound to be far more interesting than that was."