Fining an leaped up and rushed forwards, remains close to the ground one hand over his mouth. When he reached Pyron he leaped up and streched out his arm, jutting out the palm of his hand and catching Pyro on the stomach up to the chest. He quickly grabbed his gun and armed it with 2 blanks, then 2 real bullets. He had a crafty looking plan. Pyro grabbed him by the throat and lifted him in the air, intending to throw him. As he did the flight pads in Finnigan's boots activated sending pyro up with him. Pyro let go and dropped to the ground. Finnigan's dived forwards and hit him from above and purposefully missing Pyro. Those bullets were blanks. Then he fired the real stuff. One hit Pyro in the arm, the other in the shoulder. Seeing the opportunity, he lifted Pyro up the dropped him from a hight, enough to send any man into a coma. Finnigan's crouched beside him to see if he was knocked out. The image began to flicker. He was down. Finnigan then turned to the Blob.