[b]Greatmar[/b] - Myke was too tired to add Renat just saw the LAV-55 driving off. They had taken the lady, leaving what looked from the distance to be a strangely coloured X3. [i]Who was she? Who can I ask for help now? My friends and family do not know how to help me and it would be stupid to ask random strangers. [/i] As he stood there, thinking what to do he had forgotten to watch what the robot was doing. A flash then caught his attention. The robot was facing him. It then began walking towards Renat with a slow and deliberate pace. [i]X3s are not supposed to understand things such as body language…[/i] “[color=lightblue]Citizen 4561-2407-9485, Renat Emlyn. You are under arrest. Do not resist.[/color]” Renat ducked behind the wall, even though it would not help him in the slightest. Even dumb X3s could figure out that they only had to go around the corner to find him again. [i]I need a plan; fast. X3s have a digital map of the city, so it’ll know the proper streets too well for me simply lose it. If I found somewhere to hide, maybe… If it can run faster than me, it will likely catch me and shoot me to take care of me. If I were to surrender, it’ll be a lot easier. And maybe I’ll have an opportunity to trick it, seeing as it’s just a dumb robot, left all on its own.[/i] The metallic footbeats hit the paved path. It was getting nearer, fast. Instinct took over and Renat ran, silently berating himself for losing any lead in distance that he had. And for returning to the park… After zigzagging through the streets, he didn’t get any lead. It was always one corner behind him. Soon Fatigue began to set in. Renat would not be able to keep up this pace, while a robot could. So, Renat decided it was time to stop. It was time to accept that he could not escape this one by merely running. If there was an opportunity, he would grab it. But he could no longer run. He stopped and held up his hands the best he could while bending forward and panting. In moments the bot had caught up. [b]U.S.F - Mars Central Control[/b] [img]http://fc08.deviantart.net/fs71/f/2012/113/6/3/control_room_by_m3_f-d4xaiip.jpg[/img] Robotic voices filtered through speakers behind him, on front some of the higher ranking officers moved units around as necessary. It was really all check work. Him and CC did most of the work, the voices filtering through from the boots on the ground was something of a habit that the newer officers never understood. How could he understand it all? Fact is he couldn't, but if anything important happened he'd pick it out. Which is why he stood with his eyes closed listening to every report coming in. [color=ed145b]"CC."[/color][color=6ecff6]"Yes General?"[/color][color=ed145b]"Play that last report, main screen cut out all the other noise."[/color][color=6ecff6]"Yes sir."[/color] The screen at the front of the room changed, to that of a helmet cam. The top right read Private Andersmith and all the general fluff he was using in his hud appeared. [color=ed145b]"Remove Hud details."[/color] They disappeared, before them was the door to one of the recycle stations, burned through. Which just shouldn't be possible, those doors were designed to take far more heat than there was in one of those chambers, and the burn hole was bigger on the inside indicating whatever it was it had burned itself out. They had another one on the loose, and they had just caught one. [color=ed145b]"Send orders to Artie, as soon as he's finished he's to report to Sector Zeta-Alpha-Three-Four in the Industrial District. We've got another one, send copies of any camera footage to both CC and the survelliance operators, see if you can catch this one on camera. Look for anyone acting out of the ordinary, follow them. See whose asking questions. Let's find this bastard before it gets out of control."[/color] [color=6ecff6]"General, you'll want to see this." [/color] The main screen changed again, this time to a reporter. The image to the side of her was a freeze frame of a hunter ready to fire. [i]"Shocking events in one of the Rings park lands today-"[/i] the image began moving, showing the net be fired and Cassie appearing out of nowhere to be hit by the net before the youths ran off. As the Hunter reached the net the video began to loop. [i]"In what appears to be a shocking turn of events a U.S.F Hunter unit was seen attacking an innocent boy, as it fired however in what was more surprising is a woman appeared out of thin air and took the shot for the boy. We're yet to get an official statement from the U.S.F on either the boy or the woman however-"[/i] [color=ed145b] "Son of a bitch."[/color][color=6ecff6]"General Lorne? Commands requesting an update immediately."[/color]