Diehlstadt has always claimed a close connection to other worlds. Haunted houses, gnarled woods, and deep ocean crevasses and grottoes. Strange tales of mysterious figures at night, unexplained sightings, and stories so old they aren't even written down. When the idea came up to make a town where humans and mythological beings would coexist for the first time ever, Diehlstadt was the clear candidate. It wasn't long before they began to show up. First it was a trickle. Centaurs, red onis, dullahans. Then more and more showed up, eager to experience the new and unknown. Restless ghosts, harpies, mermaids, even fey. Then the more reclusive ones moved in. Vampires, eager to prove they weren't like the old stories. Demons, Angels, and more. All living in one town. Diehlstadt grew, becoming a tourist attraction for all races. There was tension, to be sure. Old stereotypes and misgivings had to be broken down. But soon, it almost became normal, all these creatures from other worlds in one place. In this small mythical town of ours. -- Within this world, you will be playing as an inhabitant of the modern town of Diehlstadt, where humans and mythical beings have begun to live together for the first time. This RP focuses on character relationships and dynamics *I always encourage romances!* instead of combat or the sort. This means a few things to keep in mind! Since the focus would be on character relationships, you are expected to set goals for your character, be it find true love, overcome their past, become the best *insert job here* or whatever. Obviously, whenever you choose to remove an over arcing plot for such a free roam idea, the pace will be set by the players. So this will be a more laid back, slower paced RP that focuses on character interaction. That means: - No heavy combat *I won't say no fighting, because who knows, some of us may get into brawls from heated arguments or rivalries, but the focus of the RP would not be combat based* However, I encourage conflict, and will probably throw conflict at you in the form of Minor Characters and the like. That said, don't bother emphasizing regeneration, immunity to wounds, etc etc. This isn't that kind of RP. - No evil, insane, or sadistic characters. You can be dark, gruff, maybe even mean spirited, but you aren't a villain. - The players will be setting their own goals. Meaning your character should have a drive, passion, or reason for being there. Not having a focus or direction generally means your character will be exceedingly hard to write for or that you'll have no reason to get involved. There will be town events, things that occur from time to time that your characters may wish to participate in *or potentially be forced to participate in, depending on the event* to help give impetus. I would like a somewhat larger group, mostly because I know a lot of people tend to drop out due to life and responsibility, but also because this particular type of RP works well with more people, mostly due to giving you so many different wonderful personalities to interact with. And to help with your own story, you are free to make any minor characters you deem is necessary for your story, provided they don't break any of the above rules as well! Try to avoid thinking of this as High Fantasy, and more Slice of Mythological Life. Again, this is a lighthearted, laid back RP. The goal is to have fun, and get some fun interactions going. I'm gonna try leaving the sign ups open through out the RP, as this particular scenario works well with large groups of people. Your character will be considered a new tenant who is moving into the town at the time your sheet is accepted, don't post till I accept your character though. If things get too chaotic, I'll close sign ups then, but for now, let's see what happens. Here's the character sheet (please don't put your characters in the character tab until I accept them) [hider] [b]Name:[/b] [b]Age:[/b] [b]Gender:[/b] [b]Race:[/b] Here's where things can be complicated. You can be human, or you can be any mythical, legendary, or folk-lore oriented beast, creature, entity, race, but YOU CANNOT choose very specific instances *meaning Hellhounds can't be Cerberus, Vampires can't be Dracula, and so on and so forth* No demigods/gods/offsprings of gods. While you shouldn't deviate too much from the myth, I encourage you to get creative with your concept and take twists with them. The example I always use is centaurs. Hybrids don't have to be half horse, they can be half tiger, half spider, half crocodile, half bear, whatever. A phoenix can be a bird, a bird that can turn human, or a human with wings for arms. But it should still be true to the core of the myth. If you aren't sure, have doubts, or simply need help coming up with something, by all means ask! I'm more than happy to help. Restrictions [b]Werewolves: [/b]Silver burns your skin, and unless in wolf form, you are a regular human in all aspects. [b]Vampires:[/b] Popularized Myth Version: Sun burns exposed skin, you need blood to survive, you are sterile, no reflections, garlic is beyond repulsive, and you must sleep in a coffin. No half vampires. This is mostly because there's about 800 different versions of vamps and invariably an argument will spring up about SOMETHING with them, so this is entirely for simplicity sake. [b]Demons:[/b] Imps and minor demons are allowed, you are not a descendant of Lucifer. [b]Angels:[/b] Similar to demons, cherubs and minor angels allowed only. You are not related to Michael, you are not all powerful and divine. [b]Appearance:[/b] Picture or in depth description. Try to make your picture at least somewhat related to whatever race you chose *don't drop a sexy demon picture if you're a freaking minotaur* [b]Job:[/b] What does your character do either in the town or in their own realm to earn a living? Are you a banshee that helps souls transition to the afterlife? Are you in charge of the library in town? Are you a doctor who specializes in other species? Get creative! [b]Personality:[/b] You can keep this brief or lengthy, whichever suits you, mostly because a lot of should be reflected in your interactions, and it may very well change through out the RP as you interact with everyone. No one's personality should remain set in stone. [b]Background:[/b] Why are you in Diehlstadt? Are you avoiding the rest of your race? Running from your past? Trying to learn more about humans or the other races? Pursuing your dream, whatever that may be? Trying to find love? Trying to make a living? What's your characters reason for intermingling with the other species, even if it's a begrudging reason. You can keep this vague if you'd rather it be revealed in the IC. [/hider] Simon [hider] [b]Name:[/b] Simon Armijo [b]Age:[/b] 26 [b]Gender:[/b] Male [b]Race:[/b] Centaur (Llama hybrid) [b]Appearance:[/b] [hider][img]http://36.media.tumblr.com/3514afbd30e3b0b33a180e352f4e5986/tumblr_n1jepndBOC1r7qe2zo5_1280.png[/img][/hider] Simon tends to wear very loose fitting warm clothing, particularly baggy sweaters and thermals. [b]Job:[/b] Simon runs the Corner Garden Cafe in Diehlstadt, specializing in vegetarian dishes but catering to most of the needs for the other races. [b]Personality:[/b] Incredibly warm and friendly, Simon often greets everyone with a large smile, and is renowned for being incredibly laid back and relaxed. He strives to keep relations between the humans and other races friendly, and often acts as a neutral party to arguments and disputes. He takes great pains to avoid snap judgements of other races, and never seems to take offense to anything said. His particularly lackadaisical attitude leaves him rather drained if he has to spend too much time with large groups of people. He's styled his cafe to be more of a sedate lounge area, and prefers comfort and function over form. The only time he seems to get annoyed or bothered is when someone tries to ride him. [b]Background:[/b] Simon was one of the first to move to Diehlstadt, arriving on his own after purchasing a run down building. Being one of the first true mythological being the humans had really encountered, he was mostly left alone and ignored as he fixed up his new home. Opening the cafe was his first step to becoming closer with the humans. His friendly attitude and open nature about his own world earned him a place as a true resident of the town in a short amount of time. When asked about his reasons for coming to the town, his immediate response is he's trying to discover something, but never lets on more than that, simply smiling. [/hider]