[url=http://www.roleplayerguild.com/topics/80359-mythical-town/ooc]The OOC is up![/url] [@Raijinslayer] A) That would be acceptable, but don't expect any combat or anything heavy during this RP. As I said, it's NOT combat oriented, so you may have more fun trying something else. B) No wishes. Being able to turn into a human is perfectly fine though. But she doesn't need to disguise herself, the whole point is that the mythical beings are coexisting with humanity. C) I'm just gonna go ahead and say no to this one, your other two are much more viable. [quote=@onenote] I'm looking forward to making a cs. I also think it'd be interesting if a few of our charters were roommates in an apartment or something (so we'd have that level of interaction to) [/quote] I realized I never responded to this, by all means you are welcome to do so.