*Drags one DJ away from the other DJ and drops him in front of Perfect* Wrong person. Kill this one instead. I certainly won't stop you now. ...I am not even sure whether I want my character to grow talons proper quicker now or not. On one hand, she'd be more inclined to fight rather than flee and more the kind of beast that I'd commonly play, on the other hand, people might not like her that much anymore. What a dilemma. (But, hey, it is more interesting to see what turns out if I don't have the subconscious inclination to artificially lead things in one direction or another.) But yeah. Poor Turncloak. Poor my character's "Sir". ...And that damn narcissistic bastard even got the pet monsters he wanted instead of being torn to shreds. (Though I have nothing to say; as a character, Perfect is certainly well-written. In the given instance - what he is supposed to be provided -, people wanting him dead actually doubles as a compliment.)