Her orb turned into a fox. Altea was genuinely surprised and in awe. The creature was gorgeous, to say the least. It had beautiful jewelry covering its body and oh - she could already feel herself falling in love. Suddenly, a voice was heard in her head. [i]"I am Blaanid. The Fox of Cyclones."[/i] Altea puzzingly looked around - no one had talked to her...Oh heavens. She grinned, going on her knees so she could look at the fox-beast eye to eye. [i]"Yes, but I'd like to be your friend instead,"[/i] she answered. The fox seemed to blush or was embarrassed, because it blinked a few times in astonishment. [i]"Oh, I'm Altea. Altea Askeladd. It's a pleasure to meet you!"[/i] [i]"Hmph,"[/i] was the only response. While Altea tried to come up with some ways to start up a conversation with her seemingly aloof companion; Lebelont was having the time of his life. ----------------------- "The champion of Silturn, Riagan, has arrived! Are you my master? HA! Fight me! FIGHT ME RIGHT NOW." Lebelont tensed at first when he heard the oni challenge him before grinning. A challenge? Sure. "BRING IT ON," he screamed back. "I'll be the one to defeat the champion of Silturn!" The oni looked taken aback for a moment, but continued to goad Lebelont. "Really? I'd like to see you try, punk!" Lebelont's eye brown quirked up. "What did you call me? You wanna fight?!" He already liked this Riagan. "Yeah, fight me! If you can, that is. You're probably weak and -" Lebelont took his spear at hand, thrusting the pointed edge towards Riegan. The oni gracefully dodged it. "You! I wasn't done talking!" He lifted his fingers, where bursts of fire erupted. Lebelont dodged that as well, as hot as the flames that came from the oni. "Hah! First person to strike will win!" The two glared at each other before engaging in an intense but friendly fight. ---------- [i]"So...What do you like to do... in your free time?"[/i] Altea said in her head. She was now sitting on the floor as her beast was sitting a few feet away from her, its tail neatly wrapped around its paws. No answer. This was going to be tough.