[h1]Fujiwara[/h1] Fujiwara nodded and shook Minako's hand, keeping in mind how she had misread a map that was oriented northwards. It didn't exactly give him much confidence in her ability to judge directions, but since they had a map getting COMPLETELY lost was probably never going to happen. He casually hit the 'yes' button on the party invite that flashed on his screen, not thinking to give it much more than a quick glance as it popped up in front of him before moving to the vanguard of the group. "Well, if everybody's in agreement then I've no reason to wait around. Let's get going." he stated, rolling his shoulders around as he took the lead. "As long as I get some levels off of this at the very least, I'll be fine. Nab whatever the heck else you need." [@KoL][@Asuna Yuuki] [h1]Ayame[/h1] Ayame nodded and accepted the party request, following along quietly as she continued contemplating the issue at hand with herself. The concept of 'automated abilities' felt... Strange, but it made her feel slightly less worried at her lack of combat experience. Though she was only to maneuver the rapier in a simple manner, being able to use it was, all in all, better than not. That didn't mean that it felt slightly out of place for her... Flexing her wrist lightly as the trio approached Geniku, Ayame was still unsure as to how to deal with the issue of. She still wasn't completely resolved to fight, much less put her life on the line... But at the same time, not doing so meant sitting idle and waiting for some 'heroes' to do the job for her. That wouldn't do at all. She didn't want to sit idly by, like some caged bird in a mansion. If she could fight her way to the top academically, then she would find a way to go on here. "In a way, yeah... Though I'm not sure if these boars will be able to sustain us for very long. It'll feel more like a slaughterhouse than a field if it keeps going on like this..." she trailed off, letting out a small laugh before staring over the horizon towards the town. "You know, it's funny how this world seems so tranquil right now, when it's really far from that..." [@LokiLeo789][@ItsToppyTippers]