Suddenly the air began to smell strongly of Ozone and little crackles of static electricity sparked through the air along with everyones hair starting to frizz and stand on end. Ozone had drawn Mjolnir. His eyes turned solid blue as lightning charged through him making him look the part of thunder god. His focus was Quicksilver. Ozone came across the ground at blinding speed throwing up wind gusts as he did so, Quicksilver was fast enough to barely avoid Ozone's first strike that would have been a direct hit from Mjolnir, in an upward strike under the chin...Barely avoided it. The second one however nailed him in the gut. Ozone had lifted his knee with every bit of his might right into the speedster's rib-cage. He heard Quicksilver let out a surprised grunt but before he could even react Mjolnir had slammed into the back of his head shutting off the Quicksilver simulator, the strike had been so hard it let out a resounding crack and sent out a blast wave of energy, had it hit the real Quicksilver his head would have exploded like a water balloon.