Suki sighed softly as Umichi spoke to her, as he seemed to think something was bothering her. Well, of course something was. They were trapped here. And she felt so alone, so very alone. She never knew just how much she had valued her brothers presences. When you had spent your whole life with 8 people around you, constants in your life, to suddenly not have them, it was a shock to her. But she just shook her head, and said [color=bc8dbf]"I'm okay, really"[/color] She said, trying to put as much cheer and good feeling into the three words. And now she smiled genuinely, [color=bc8dbf]"Thank you, though"[/color]. As they continued to fight, to make their way to Geniku. As Umichi went to help some people, Suki looked about, with wariness. She couldn't help but think that the game was sending more monsters, spawning more. As if it were a test. Or as if it was really trying to cull the numbers. She engaged another couple of frenzy boar, As Aikoto soke, she stopped, and looked at him. [color=bc8dbf]"Im not afraid, and I don't feel despair. I miss my family, and worry about them. I know that they will be afraid, and devastated"[/color] While she thought the offer of protection, and all the else, was sweet, she found it annoying. She didn't want to be treated like she was breakable. Like she needed protection. [color=bc8dbf]"Just because I'm a girl doesn't mean I can't hold my own with you guys."[/color] She looked up at the night sky as well. Back home, she had always enjoyed watching the stars, and as often as she could, she would sleep outside. The stars were just so...amazing, the night sky so vast. Eventually though, she shook her head, notcing how close they were to Geniku. [color=bc8dbf]"I think that this world is beautiful, despite everything"[/color] She continued on, and as they reached the town, she immediately began to look for an inn, finding a small one. Geniku wasn't a large town, and she doubted many people would come here, but she still figured they needed to get rooms as quick as possible.[@Savo][@Little_ninja][@Ebil Bunny]