Sly didn’t move from the tree as he looked at the human for a long while without a word before chuckling as nodded, “It would seem that way, Mr. Alucard-was it?” he commented back. All the while, he kept half-an-eye on the blocky human, but never said a word to the other one, despite the fact that this Alucard person had already made a comment about other creatures. Eventually, he decided to swing his can a little bit before answering, “I’m Sly,” only to add, “As for ‘malicious foes’…I think I can take care of myself, sir.” With that, he started to look up at the sky for a bit longer, “Though, unless you can get off the ground, you might want to find shelter as, like you said, ‘letting your guard down, even for a moment could be fatal’. Though, I’ll be honest, I prefer housetops to treetops.” Meanwhile, Vector started to hear the other’s voice and look around, “Hello, who’s there?” he asked, sounding a bit worried, “Espio…Charmy?” All the while, he turned directions to follow the sound of the voice, calling out every so often only to stop when he noticed the strange, yellow, walking mouth. Instantly, he took up a little bit of a defensive pose, getting ready to unleash his vocal cords at the creature.