Sly stayed in his tree as he watched the Alucard person instantly pull out his sword and hold it ready to strike, demanding that the blocky figure to show itself. Once it shown itself, Sly gripped his cane just a little bit tighter in preparation to get in the middle of the two, not really wanting to be involved in a fight in an unknown area. All the while, the raccoon listened to the blocky character’s words and looked around the area before jumping down right in the middle. Making a connection that he feared the other was overlooking, “Hang on, let’s not start anything…yet,” he commented. Then, he turned to the blocky human, “Can you repeat what you…errr…said?” he asked, “You are calling us creatures, when you…and everything else here…are shaped liked boxes? I ‘beseech’ you to answer one question: is this land yours?” Meanwhile, Vector stopped at he looked at the yellow, walking mouth before closing his own mouth without releasing any of his harsh notes at the other creature, “Really now?” he asked, still defensive, “Then who or what are you?” The crocodile, at the moment seemed okay bodily but it was clear he was rather concerned about where he was and kept on glancing up at the skies, seeing the sun passing more and more before looking at the moon slowly peeking.