[centre] [h3][color=f7941d]~Graham Turner~[/color][/h3] [color=sandybrown]"Oh shut it, lad."[/color] Scorpio got to his feet, sporting a bit of a grin. Cheeky bastard. This will work out. [color=sandybrown] "Mufasa, Graham, I'm getting older by the minute."[/color] And that one went right over the lad’s head. Everyone was getting older by the minute. And second. Hour. Day. Week. Month. Year. That’s sort of how time worked. Bah, maybe it was a cultural thing. Or maybe the cat was cray-cray. Whatever. Fun is fun. Wait. Graham stopped. Pull the brakes on the hypetrain. Something was wrong. There was a red flag for...for uh… Name. What the fuck, Scorpio? Name. Why didn’t Graham catch the name the first time around? Stupid, stupid, stupid. [color=f7941d]“Yeah, yeah, we’ve all gotta get old sometime.”[/color] Then he inhaled and well, belted one out shamelessly. Although he should be shamed, his voice was all kinds of scratchy and hoarse at this point. [color=f7941d]“[i]Forever young, I want to be forever young. Do you really wanna live forever? Forever, and ever~[/i]”[/color] Now they just had to find the roommate and… He spun around and floated back into the room. He had an idea. Inspiration hit him like a Mack truck. [color=f7941d]“All that jazz. Anyway, man, how’d you get the news that we had a third? I only heard our names. Do you know the dude’s name?”[/color] Did it really matter? Oh that could be said out loud. [color=f7941d]“Nevermind. Does it really matter? Anyway, we could tear this place apart and still not find the guy. Worst case scenario? Someone else swings by and claims our room. I’ve got an idea…”[/color] Graham grinned a toothy grin then crossed to the window. He looked out it. A perfect view of the path the group had taken from the train to the dorm. But… Something really did feel off about all of this. This place that is. Something didn’t seem… Natural. Wait, dammit Graham. Getting distracted again. The boy fiddled with the window, trying to get it open. It resisted, hard, but he eventually got some leverage. He lifted it up. Somehow. That damn thing was heavy as all get out. He peered out the open window, leaning a bit. He looked down at a small group of students still waiting to enter the building. Looks like they were going to be homeless. Poor peeps. Shoulda been faster. But one of those fools is lucky. More air. More air. Graham inhaled deeply. His lungs protested a bit. His throat felt raw. This was stupid. This was a mistake. But fuck it. New school, new start, might as well do it right. Wanna be a star? Burn bright. [color=f7941d]“Graham Turner!”[/color] Loud. [color=f7941d]“Fourth floor!”[/color] Louder. [color=f7941d]“Room four!”[/color] You can do better than that. [color=f7941d]“Remember that name, mothafuckas!”[/color] Almost... [color=f7941d]“I RUN THIS SHIT! AHAHAHAHAHA!”[/color] Yahtzee! Graham fell backwards into the room laughing again. He looked back at Scorpio, his eyes once more filled with the beginnings of hysteria. [color=f7941d]“Tha-”[/color] Nope. Talking hurt. Graham gulped, then tried again. [color=f7941d]“That should...get the point...acr- watahneedwatah.”[/color] Graham pushed past his roommate then turned into the bathroom. It uh… Well, the custodial engineer around these parts should be drawn and quartered. It reeked something fierce. But any port in a storm, right? Graham marched up to a sink and loosed a stream of frigid water. He cupped his hands below the faucet, then brought as much water as he could to meet his mouth. It soothed his throat a touch, but the boy really might have overdone it a bit. He might need to stop my the infirmary later and get it checked out. There could be some real damage there, why he’d need someone to take a close examination... … Alright, so he wanted to check out the nurse again. Big whoop. A guy can dream, right? After downing several handfuls of water, Graham returned to the room. He looked at Scorpio and smiled before speaking again, this time in more of a hushed, husky tone. [color=f7941d]“That’s how you do it big, kiddo. We’re goin’ places, ya dig? Straight to the top. And if our lost puppy didn’t catch that, well...fuck it, there’s no helping him. Now we play the wa-”[/color] Graham started coughing rather harshly. [color=f7941d]“Wa-waiting game. Cheezus, sorry about that. Frog in me throat.”[/color] Graham crossed back and leapt onto his bed once more. Or at least the bed he had chosen. Their roommate would probably find them. And if not, someone was bound to swing by, see the bed, and claim it. The homeless childrens need homes too. Good guy, Graham. Really. Somebody get this guy a Peace Prize. [/centre]