[center][h1][b]The Dragonfly[/b][/h1][/center] [hr] [i]"So this is your first time out, is it?" [b]"Yeah. So far it's been easier than-"[/b] "Training?" [b]"Yeah."[/b] "Just wait until it kicks up. Drug busts can get... interesting. Hopefully you wont have to do anything serious yet." There was a pregnant pause for another few seconds. The larger... man reaching forward and adjusting the reticle of the scope. With his other hand, which had been positioned up against his shoulder, his knuckles to the stock, reached down to his chest and pressed down upon the button on the side of the radio on his chest. [b]"I see two what looks to be civilians on the outer perimeter. A woman and child. They seem to be walking along the side of the building. Please advise."[/b] There was another pause. His partner hand crawled up beside him, and was using his binoculars to watch. "The kid has something." he said. The huge man's brow furrowed and he looked down the site, at their hands. They were in a darkened area, so he couldn't see what either of them were carrying. The radio erupted to life as his superior made her response. "What are they doing?" [b]"They... seem to be waiting for something. One is carrying something."[/b] There was a silence again. "...The call is yours."[/i] [hr] [hider=X Ambassadors - Jungle][youtube]https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rSMY2CVjCZA[/youtube][/hider] Henry's alarm went off. The meta looked over at the digital clock. 5AM. The hardest part about getting up this early was just that, getting up. Once you were up though, things were easier. In the end it was worth it though. After doing it since he had turned eighteen, it had become relatively used to such early awakenings, and was up and around before most people opened their pretty little eyes. School didn't start for another four hours. He had time for his morning routine. He had no need for a shower, he didn't perspire like a human did any longer. He didn't really get oily or dirty the way mammals did. His body smelt like salt water - the beach, where he would spent almost all of his free time if he could. He had been stationed in California during his enlistment and when he wasn't working he was at the beach doing something there. Be it surfing or fishing. However despite the few fond memories he had of the past, he was much happier to be a member of staff now. He had a bigger room, and a personal fridge, and no room mate which was new for him after so many years working in close quarters with others. He was able to store his stuff in the open and actually personalize his residency for a change. His clothing was... Well, the best it could be for something his size. An exosuit had been made for him during his time with the Elites, but there was no need for it unless it was a training day. What he did have, however, was a large a huge pair of gray sweat pants. He cycled between them and cargo pants frequently. Depended on what he was planning for his students. He pulled an equally large tank top over his upper body as well. Someone had bitched about shirtless running in the past so, as a result, no one was allowed to do it anymore. It was a stupid rule, but he had better things to do over fight a useless battle. He had already done that far too many times. His first activity of the day was opening his computer and sending an email to his family. A quick message, he sent them an email every day, and attached a picture of himself, or a group photo, or a picture of something he had found, or a description of an event that took place. He very rarely got to see them anymore. He had missed out on a lot growing up without a mother and father, having been raised by many of the staff here at the academy when he was just a boy. It had led to him being very independent sure, but was that always a good thing? Independent, and distant. He snapped a quick photo of himself giving the 'peace' symbol and a smile and sent, then closed his computer. He grabbed his phone, and set aside one of the many letters he had on his desk, and a sleeve that had a clip on it, which he wrapped around his bicep and clipped his phone to it, and plugged in some bluetooth headphones. It wad now 5:45. A morning jog before hitting the gym, jog around the school, one lap just inner boundaries, and then jog back. By the time he had returned it was 6:30 in the morning. He had never been a fast jogger due to his personal lack of stamina. But after many years he had begun to build it up again. He had seen another person, a newer student that had come in the past few months, coming out as he came back in. Poor girl, if she wanted to get longer jogs in, she'll nee to get out earlier. Out of breath, he stopped at the gym to get a drink and continue on with his workout. Stretches, dead lifting, squats, sit ups, push ups (wide armed and one armed), pull ups with both his arms and his tail, and a few other various activities to keep his heart rate up. He normally would do more, but he was crunched on time and he wanted to have time for breakfast. He jogged back to his own dorm. He was fairly close to his own residence from the position at the gym so, despite his somewhat exhausted physic- getting back home to make a huge stack of pancakes, bacon, ham, hash browns, sausage... You name it, wasn't very hard. As he prepared the food he set the letter he had chosen on his kitchen table. His family often sent him messages over text or snail mail and every week he would open one. He sat down at the table and set down his food. With one hand, he shoveled food into his gullet and with the other tore the flimsy paper open with his claw, and flipped it open, taking out a card. As he opened it a postcard fell out and onto the table. His eyes flashed to it, to make sure it didn't fall in his food or off the table. Seeing it was safe, he returned his attention to the card without really processing the picture yet. He chewed and swallowed and pushed his empty plate away for the next full one, and checked his watch briefly. It was expensive looking and made of stainless steel. His mom had sent it to him on his 20th birthday. He absentminded toyed with the silver chain around neck with his free hand that was (strangely) not shoveling food into his mouth. He had gotten that when he turned 21. It was 7:30AM. He began reading the letter, it was written in neat cursive, definitely his sister's handwriting. [i]"Hope you're doing well Scales! We miss you over here! Cant wait to see you again, visit sometime, kay? I love you!" -Samantha Olin PS: Consider this your invitation![/i] Henry furrowed his eye ridges at the letter for a moment, and looked back down to the post card. It was a picture of his sister, most likely having been snapped by the server at the fancy restaurant they were in. Sammy looked incredible, dressed in a beautiful red dress, her asian complexion angelic, her brown hair groomed into a fine braid. The look of shock and awe on her face... The man in front of her was kneeling down on one knee, he was handsome: Caucasian with slightly tanned skin, tall, dark brown hair and chocolate brown eyes. His face, from the side at least, looked angular and masculine. He had the James Bond look to him: tall, dark, and handsome. But unlike James Bond, he had a bright and shining smile and friendly eyes. He had talked to the man over a Skype call in the past, but he had never seen Henry's face. Scott was his name, and from what he had heard Scott was good humored and a real salt of the earth kind of guy. He was in a suit, and holding a black box with something sparkling in it. Henry's eyes blinked and went over the picture furiously. He was rushed with a wave of nostalgia. Suddenly he was four and his sister was seven, and they were playing in the back yard with their black lab Monroe, who was just a puppy then. Then he was brought to reality, a grown man, a powerful superhero. His sister a strong and beautiful young woman who would soon become someone's strong and beautiful wife. Henry very nearly broke down. He set down the note, and pushed his empty plate aside. If anyone saw him they would surely make fun of him for it. But his sister was getting married! He had always been as close as he could to his sibling. He loved her so much and he was so happy she had ended up with someone who made her so happy. He would have to inquire with management about taking two weeks of leave in the next eight months or so, to be there for the wedding. He would have to write her back. He looked around. Suddenly the table seemed much more lonely than it had before. He sighed and placed the card down to finish eating. When he finished, he place the plate in the dishwasher for cleaning later. It was 7:45, people would begin coming to the school soon, having finished their morning preparation. He placed the postcard and letter up against the fridge, among many other cards, and used a magnet to keep it to the spot he planted it. On his way out, he grabbed a large brown coat that was as humongous as his pants and shirt were, and left to attend his class. It was a Monday today. He was feeling Self defense was in order. Nothing better than seeing people kick the shit out of one another. He had been told that some new students would be arriving today and that he'd get a text when and if he was needed. Which was a definite. No shame on Nina, as she was an incredible leader, but half the time the staff was as disorganized as a room full of monkeys throwing their shit at each other. Today was going to be interesting. He could feel it in his gut.