Riad was perched on a step while he watched a rat scurry about, looking for food. He made a soft giggle as he watched it run around. He enjoyed the futility of its efforts, since it was going to die in the end anyway. As the rat stopped to look around, he leaned forwards quickly. [b]"Such a cute little thing... Why don't you [i]scream for me[/i] little guy?"[/b] He put a finger to its side, and immediately let out a pained screech, rolling into its side and biting into its skin, trying to make the pain go away. Riad giggled as he watched it rip itself apart, leaving a pool of blood on the sidewalk, and he stood up as its heart slowly came to a stop. Licking his lips, he decided a rat wouldn't make a good meal, especially in this place, but it was fun to watch them squirm and die all the same. Riad considered for a moment returning to his little knapsack, but instead decided to wander the city more. He stood up and began walking through the crowds of people, his short height and slight hunch making him inconspicuous among all the much taller individuals. There was so much to do and see in this city, though it did bother him a little it looked so much like the cities in Spinel. As he continued walking about, he almost ran into a pole he had somehow not noticed before. Looking at it, and finding a paper, he read it as best he could. The thing that interested him the most was the suggestion of money. He needed that, as he was running out of food, and even the vermin here were below his standard of eating. He grabbed up the flyer, and quickly moved to prepare himself for the job. It seemed easy to boot! Moving quickly, he pick-pocketed a few individuals, using his magic to make him not be felt, and found a shop willing to let him buy a few decent clothes to wear to the Mayor's house when it was time to head there. A brand new white collarless shirt and some long, sturdy pants. He made his way quickly to where the Mayor lived, avoiding a few more brutal specimens as well as someone trying to start a riot for no good reason. Once he arrived at the estate, the amount of convincing it took was absurd, he didn't look [i]that[/i] bad, did he? Once he was inside the, what he considered, overly posh house, he found himself fixated by a girl in a dress, disregarding the butler. She looked far to rich and formal to be in a city like this, was his first thought. His second was [i]I wonder how loudly she'd scream.[/i] He studied every detail of the girl. She had freckles, her dress was nice, and the wolf beside her seemed like quite a companion. Both were bright and pretty, much better than the dreary rain and people outside. That was all dull and grey. He suddenly spoke, despite being across the room from her, directly to her. [b]"I like you."[/b] The statement was all he needed to confirm he did, and he stopped staring at her, going back to his business of waiting for whomever had put out the flyer to show up, humming small tunes and looking around for any more rodents or house pets to torment.