[hider= Tracie "The Ace" Armond] [u][b]Appearance[/b][/u] [hider=Tracie][img]http://fc00.deviantart.net/fs70/f/2011/128/3/d/clarice_starling_by_push_the_limits-d3fx9pa.jpg[/img][/hider] Tracie is a thick-skinned sort of gal, with sun spots around her strong, scarred shoulders. Her face is naturally stretched into a satisfied stare, as her smooth angled features betray her experience. The dullness of her blue eyes are contrasted by the character of her eyebrows, the personality of her nose. It’s quite easy to look at Tracie now, especially as she touts her pant suits, and think only of the kid she has in college. Her round hips and comfortable tummy can lead a shallow person astray. Someone who is lucky enough to see her without her clothes, however, will see her years in the desert stamped on her back. They’d see her missing middle toe from an encounter with a Bathist rebel in a Baghdad alleyway. They’d see her toned, taught 5’8 frame as what it was: an agent of war. [center][u][b]Name[/b][/u] Tracie Armond [u][b]Age[/b][/u] 39 [u][b]Gender[/b][/u] Female [u][b]Call Sign[/b][/u] “Momma Bear”; Formerly “Ace”[/center] [u][b]Personal Description[/b][/u] One of the universal traits of a soldier is loyalty; which Tracie possesses in abundance, though her age has tempered the zealotry which can arise from this. Another universal trait is stone-headed dignity; Tracie cannot help but possess this trait in abundance. Being the daughter of an Admiral in the US Navy, and one of the first female attorney General’s in United States history, Tracie was brought up in Charleston, WV believing she could do anything, and ought to do something. After losing her mother to cervical cancer at a young age, Tracie bonded rather tightly with her father. This brought out all the aspects in her which would prepare her for her future. Her wide eyed curiosity of the world and her militant intelligence came from her mother, but her father filled in the rest. He instilled a no-bullshit attitude, the importance of truth and honesty, and taught her the importance of the irrational. After her advocacy in college, Tracie realized then more than ever that she was meant to join the military. Her outspoken behavior, which embarrassed her father, was imparted upon her by him. She would never turn down a fight, and of that she learned easily. All the other things came hard, like learning to appreciate what you have while you do. Tracie learned of the terror of death, and the relief it can bring in the only way a person can: intimately. The hardness of the world has shaped her, but it has not changed her. Like a tree to the wind, she becomes who she must to face adversity. Though she retains the happiness, the colorful imagination, and resolute skepticism, it’s all a little dulled from the wearing of time. Tracie is naturally flirtatious. It's as much a personality trait as her affinity for witty banter. Tracie is mostly unaware of it, generally perceiving it as playfulness. [u][b]Backstory Description[/b][/u] Tracie was always a bit of a tomboy, something she never particularly liked being called. She grew up in Charleston, West Virginia with her Attorney mother, and Navy-man father. She played sports, did well in school, played video games, and got into a great deal of trouble. She got in trouble with boys fairly often, which led to her father talking to her about sex more often than she would have ever liked. She played pranks in school and at home which was a constant source of trouble and berating. The trouble was compounded after her mother died, only to trickle out as she got older. Eventually settling herself into a smart and comfortable teenager. Tracie was sent to military school at the age of 16. She enjoyed the prospect of the military, for some reason it spoke to her. She dreamed of making a career out of order, and justice, and, secretly, killing. The first time she was nearly raped she didn't tell anyone about it. Then it happened again, and again. Each time the boys ended up greatly injured. What generally goes unspoken in societies like this is the prevalence with which rapes happen in military institutions. Eventually she confided in her friends, discovering that some had been less successful in deflecting these disgusting advances. Tracie remained her joking self, but was still quite affected by the various assaults all throughout her high school years. She started a movement throughout military academies all over the country in an attempt to root out foul play, especially when it came to sexual assault. She became a bloodhound during her college years after graduating from Massanutten Academy. Having made a name for herself as an honest person, and perfectly completing her training, Tracie was recruited into the Green Berets with a special NROTC commission. A few tours of duty in Afghanistan, performing assassinations and sabotage missions, led Tracie to a CIA contact, one who offered a position in a team code-named Ghost Recon. Tracie joined and aided in missions all over the world, most of them covert, and some of them off the books. After a 6 year stint in the Ghost Recon team, it was dismantled. During her time overseas her Husband, Thomas, was killed in a car accident. Tracie was called home to join the CIA, working in conjunction with the legendary Jack Ryan. She accepted without hesitation as she needed to begin raising her teenage son anyway. Tracie was caught in New York city, her new home, when the outbreak started. Though she wanted to search for and rescue her son from an upstate university, she was called on by Jack Ryan and the President of the United States for an important mission. One which would ensure the safety of her son after he was found, if he'd survived. This was yet another fight she could not turn down. Every part of her wanted to escape the city and find her son, but the parts that mattered reminded her that if she didn't stay, her son might not have a life to live if they survived. [center][u][b]Role[/b][/u] Rifleman/Squad Leader; Formerly LMG gunner [u][b]Inventory[/b][/u] Contact Lens Respirator Computer Go-bag MRE x3 Bottle of water x5 Tool set (Wrench, pliers, screws & screwdrivers, hammer, etc.) Winter gear (Scar, gloves, skimask, etc) Rappelling gear (Winches, clips, etc.) Gun cleaning and management kit (Rags, pipe cleaners, etc) Flare Smart Watch 5.56 mm clip x2 9mm clip x6 [u][b]Weapons[/b][/u] [url=http://www.army-technology.com/contractor_images/fabrika-broni/3-close-assault-rifle.jpg]MINI-BERYL 96[/url] [url=http://hk-usa.com/wp-content/uploads/HK-P305-V3-dasa-left.jpg]HK-P30[/url] Machete[/center] [u][b]Talents[/b][/u] -Expert tactician: Tracie has not only been trained in the classroom how pincer strikes work, she’s completed them in action, and refined them in the field. Perhaps the one thing her father can never criticize her for is her unquestionably keen tactical mind. And he would know since he’s privy to a great deal of her personnel files. -Expert marksman: Tracie can easily pin a man to the wall within 200 meters while in a prone position, as any Green Beret can. But Tracie isn’t about to let movement, imperfect conditions, harsh winds, or extreme pressure get to her. She takes the shot when she has it, no sooner, no later. She happens to be quite good at lining up her shots, so that only serves to her benefit. -Administrative work: For a while Tracie wouldn’t have been able to add this to her lists of skills. Now she can, being a leader of two analyst teams, and three ground crews. Her understanding of the bigger picture has grown to include governments, and organizations, bureaucrats, intelligence officers, and animals alike. Tracie is constantly thinking of the repercussions her actions will have on those around her, and those who aren’t. This is a skill almost no career soldier can boast of. -Experienced Officer: For most of Tracie’s military career she’s been in a position of authority. After the Baret’s she led two teams in Iraq and Afghanistan before joining as a squad leader in Ghost Recon. One does not need to consider her tremendous career over the last few years as Chief of the Military Statistical Analysis Unit in order to see her skills as a leader. Tracie naturally has the confidence most military leads need to build up. She is quick and decisive, but also kind and responsive. Her instincts are key to her work, but she’s learned to greatly respect intelligence officials and statistical analysis. -Charm: There's not much like a West Virginian accent to defuse a situation. [/hider]