Alright, I finally finished the rough draft of the Ryukyu Empire. I guess this will also be my app since the only things I plan on changing is the culture/history and some minor military details [hr] [hider=Celestial Ryukyu Empire] [center][h2]The Ryukyu Empire[/h2] [i]To the horizon of tomorrow[/i][/center] [hider=Ryukyuan Appearance] Ryuans or more commonly just Ryukyuans are tall, humanoid creatures with females standing at an average of 5' 10" and males averaging around 6' 1". The most noticeable trait they have are devil-like tails on their backs. They mature faster than humans reaching adulthood around 14 (but mentally they mature around 18) and can live long lives should the right conditions be met. Other appearance differances include longer fingers and "dual layered" eyes that some of the population has (the term "dual layered" means that while the eye has a solid color, their is another color on a "layer" behind it). Most Ryukyuans can only use 80%-90% of the pyshcial strength a human could use but their brain capacity is 10%-20% greater than that of humans. Certain indivudals will also express a rare gene that causes their mental power to grow to 50% or even 60% greater than that of humans. The Empire often stated these persons who usually become engineers, researches and the likes as the reason why the Empire's technology has advanced so quickly. [/hider] [hider=Planets] Gaishia (Homeworld) - The Ryukyuan homeworld, it is a combination of temperate and boreal forests, taigas and epic mountains ranges. Nothing too outstanding here, its temperature is surprisingly comfortable even though it tends to snow a good deal in the winter. That or the Ryuans can't feel the difference. Gaishia is also home to an exclusive mineral known as "Sakurite" which powers their empire although nuclear and more conventional means are also used. Even though it has a 48 hour day and night cycle, the speed which it revolves around the sun causes it to have the same 365 day year that Earth has, give or take a few days. Ibiran (Inhabited World) - A lush garden world with rich soil, it produces much of the Empire's offworld food. It is largely plains and tropics with some scattered deserts and since much of the planet has remained untouched or has been only minimally terraformed, it makes for a very popular tourist spot, also boasting some of the best resorts, hotels and beach around. Zhunan (Colony World) - With a harsh, unforgiving surface, the planet doesn't seem to offer much on the outside, but it has great stores of geological resources. Mills and factories located in the underground cities provide great amounts of metals and alloys while recent chemical labs churn out plastics and synthetic compounds created by the best minds the Empire can offer. [/hider] [hider=Government Description] The Empire is lead by a both the Emperor and the Imperial Senate. The seat of Emperor (or Empress) is based on the royal bloodline in which the oldest child takes the throne regardless of gender at the age of 20. Should the Emperor die without an heir, the next oldest sibling takes the throne and if the heir is too young, the Senate takes over. Siblings otherwise become generals, bureaucrats, senators and (in some rare cases) the spouse. Any of the Emperor's decisions can be overruled with a Senate vote should at least 75% of the senators vote against the decision. However, the Emperor can issue an Imperial Mandate to further overrule the Senate's vote. The amount of Imperial Mandates however, is controlled by the the Senate. Senators are elected on a 75% majority vote for the zone or region they oversee. They are directly responsible for the growth and well-being of their region. They will often handle the more trivial things the Emperor either cannot be bothered with or simply does not want to do. Things under their jurisdiction include setting tax rates, criminal prosecution, and local manufacturing quotas. While in theory there is requirements to becoming a senator, many of them have either studied law and politics or were once in the military. The minimum age of being a senator is 30. [/hider] [hider=Military Description] The Ryukyuan Imperial Military is divided into two parts, the Imperial Ground Fleet (IGF), the Imperial Orbital Military Command (IOMC). The IGF consists the terrestrial armed force and is sub-divided into the Army, the Mechanized and the Air Fleet. The basic doctrine the IGF follows involves rapid blitzing and then digging in repeated for a number of times while the IOMC favors the use of feints followed by flanking. Weapon wise, the Empire favors high velocity kinetic weapons that combine bits of energy-based rounds creating a special plasma-gauss round. These bullets are fired from weapons with a gauss/railgun-like mechanism inside of them, accelerating the round to super high velocity. The heat causes the plasma compound inside to super heat, thus creating an effective armor-piercing round. There is also a noticeable ideology of multi-use and versatility with both most branches being able to do the functions of another. All ground troops are given instruction on how to operate vehicles and some simpler aircraft (more complex aircraft require dedicated crew to function properly). Like wise, vehicle crews are taught how to use a wide variety of infantry weapons so they can keep fighting without a vehicle. That said, some troops are still trained more for their assigned weapon (i.e. just because a standard soldier can use a sniper doesn't mean that he'll use it as well as a sniper specially trained with it). Swords is another noticeable difference of the Empire's soldier compared to the troops of other species and factions. Military tradition states that knives are considered hidden weapons and that troops should only use weapons that signify they are visibly armed and ready to kill. However, it would be unwise to underestimate both the strength of the Empire's advanced swords and the Banzai charges troops will pull off in battles. [hider=Infantry Weapons] [hider=Type-39A Battle Rifle][IMG][/IMG] Produced by Aizuku Imperial Armory, the Type-39A Battle Rifle is standard issuse firearm for the Empire's ground troops. It fires a plasma-gauss round that makes it effective amongst all types of infantry armor and even some lightly armored vehicles with certain modifications. The standard Type-39A is semi-automatic but its versatility is its key feature. Its barrel, sights/scopes, firing rate and even bullet type can be changed to suit various roles such as a DMR, a squad automatic weapon, carbines and shotguns. [/hider] [hider=Type-72 SMG][IMG][/IMG] The Type-72 SMG, produced by the Sarenga Arms Company, boasts a full automatic fire rate of around 650 rounds a minute. There are three main variants of the SMG: [list][*][b]Type-72[/b] – Unmodified version, used by military in close-quarters situations. Simple to make, clean and use, it is often quoted as a favorite weapon of the Imperial Elites. [*][b]Type-72 Navy[/b] – A shortened version with a folding stock, it is often issued to pilots and used can be found in ship armories, its shortened barrel and reduced weight make it ideal for settings where range is not of importance. [*][b]Type-71 Tactical[/b] – Technically an updated version of the previous Type-70 SMG, the Type-71 Tactical is issued to law enforcement as an automatic weapon for the counter-terrorist units. [/list] [/hider] [hider=Type-99 Anti-Material Rifle][IMG][/IMG] Produced by the Aizuku Imperial Armory and nicknamed “the Gun to Pierce the Heavens” after an incident which a large number of these were used as impromptu AA weapons, the Type-99 is the Empire’s successful anti-armor rifle. Firing a much larger caliber of the same plasma-gauss round as the Type-32A, it can penetrate the armor of most land vehicles and even aircraft should the user have good enough aim. Used as both a primary anti-armor weapon and a sniper rifle, it can be said that this gun is so successful that it is the sole reason why the Empire lacks explosive-based weapons for normal ground troops. [/hider] [hider=Type-2 Directed Energy Machine Gun] [img][/img] The Ryukyu Empire’s first venture into pure directed energy weapons, the Type-2 has a lot to live up to. There are two main versions: the ground combat version and the larger auto cannon version. These are currently made on Zhunan by the Imperial Laboratories. [list][*][b]Type-2 (Ground Combat Ver.)[/b] – Using charged batteries that hold up to 250 shots, the weapon fires at a rate of 500 “shots” per minute. It can be mounted on a special Sakurite Generator mount and (in theory) fire indefinitely [*][b]Type-2A Auto cannon[/b] – A larger, heavier version mounted on aircraft and fighters. It fires a larger “shot” than ground combat version and has been noted as an effective measure against some types of sheilds [/list] [/hider] [hider=Type-8 Military Energy Blade][IMG][/IMG] Forged from a titanium-steel alloy by the Aizuku Imperial Armory, these swords are just as advanced as the firearms of the Imperial Army. A thin veil of pure energy around the blade makes this weapon deadly against nearly all types of infantry armor. Standard issue to all soldiers who not only use it in close quarters but also will Banzai charge with it to surprisingly great effects. [/hider] [hider=Type-0 Special Auto-Pistol] [img][/img] Made by the Sarenga Arms Company, the Type-0 Special is a fully automatic machine pistol with an incredible 800 rpm fire rate. Of course, holding down the trigger is not encouraged due to the fact the pistol only has a 20 round magazine but come with a semi-auto firing mode. Like the Type-72, it has a few versions: [list][*]Type-0 Special – Standard issue to ground troops, can fire in both semi-auto and full-auto [*]Type-0H – A modified version that turns the base Type-0 model into a pseudo-SMG with a 50 round extended clip. Popular amongst ship crews [*]Type-0.0 – Called the “Zero point O”, this version lacks the ability to fire in full-auto, but makes up for it by chambering a larger round. Often used by law enforcement, ship crews and army officers alike[/list] [/hider][/hider] [hider=Infantry] [hider=Imperial Ashigara (Trooper)] [URL=][IMG][/IMG][/URL] [URL=][IMG][/IMG][/URL] [b][i]Male Version Female Version[/i][/b] The Imperial Ashigara are the main line troops of the Imperial Army. They undergo a rigorous and fine-tuned training course for six-months that turns them into fierce fighting soldiers. Capable of using many weapons and control many kinds of vehicles, the Imperial Army prides itself on the flexible nature of its troops. Courageous and well-trained, these men and women are ready to die in the name of the Emperor for victory! Equipment (Standard): [list][*]Type-39A Battle Rifle [*]2 Cluster grenades [*]Type-8 Military Energy Blade [*]Type-0 Special Auto-Pistol [*]3-layered Composite armor consisting of an outer lightweight but strong alloy shell, blast and shock padding and nano-weave underclothing. [*]Helmets with thermal and night vision and built in oxygen recyclers[/list] [/hider] [hider=Imperial Buido (Elite)] [img][/img] Born to fight, the Imperial Buidos are the elite shock soldiers of the Emperor. They are trained and disciplined to peak psychical and mental condition through a brutal one year training regiment and are further enhanced with implants and cybernetics. Wearing special armor that is not only stronger, but allows for orbital combat, they can also act as space marines. With Inshingu blessing, they are the prime of the Imperial Army and are not called the Emperor’s Pride for no reason! Equipment (Standard): [list][*]Modified Type-39A BRs [*]2 Cluster Grenades [*]2 EMP Smoke Grenades [*]Shortened Type-8 Military Energy Blades [*]Type-0.0 Auto-Pistol [*]Fully sealed and pressurized Composite Armor similar to that of normal soldiers but have an added living tissue layer that quickly regenerates from damage and has small jump jets in the boots [*] Airtight Helmet similar to standard helmets but are suitable to wear in space and oxygen deprived environments [*]Access Kits to gain entry to locked or hard to reach places[/list] [/hider] [hider=M.A.S.S.] [img][/img] Mechanized Armored Strike Skeletons or MASSs are super heavy combat troops that can fill a variety of roles based on their load out. They can support advancing troops and lock down an area, destroy armor and aircraft and even act as riot suppression with large shields and shock lances. The armor they wear is closer to tank armor than infantry armor with a much more advanced composite system and HUD for the operator’s convenience. Operators also are specially trained to engage similarly large opponents or mech suits but most anyone can easily learn how to use the suits. Weapons included autocannons, HMGs, grenade launchers, Anti-Material Rifles, small artillery pieces and even directed energy weapons. [/hider][/hider] [hider=Armored] [hider=Chi-Ni Type-4 Light Tank] [img][/img] The Chi Ni Type-4 Light Tank is a primary supporting vehicle that provides close armor support and armored recon for ground unit. It functions as both a light tank and a mobile AA-gun. Although they have light armor, their speed and turning rate are very respectable. It is a tried and true vehicle that has seen many fights and thus has been kept in service despite its age. Specs: [list][*]Crew: 3 (Driver, Gunner, Captain) [*]Main Weapon: 87mm plasma-gauss cannon [*]Secondary Weapons: Two 40mm anti-aircraft guns [*]Top Speed: 80 km/h (about 50 mph) [*]Manufacturer: Hongpao Foundries [*]Armor: 50mm (2 in) – 80mm (3.1 in)[/list] [/hider] [hider=Hai-Shou Type-21 SPG] [img][/img] While much of the IGF uses plasma-gauss or railgun weaponry, the Hai-Shou Type-21 Self Propelled Gun uses what some would consider obsolete kinetic explosives. However, the 175mm gauss gun and its high-yield explosive shells would like to differ. Capable of firing 7 shells a minute at ranges of 75km (47 miles), there seems to be a lack of non-believers about its “obsolete tech” after they see the Hai-Shou in action. Specs: [list][*]Crew: 5 (Driver, Captain, Radio Op, and two Gunners) [*]Main Weapon: 175mm Gauss Cannon [*]Top Speed: 50km/h (about 31 mph) [*]Manufacturer: Zitrung Heavy Industries [*]Armor: 10mm (0.4 in) [/list] [/hider] [hider=Sensho Type-3B Main Battle Tank] [img][/img] Main battle tank of the IGF, it packs a devastating 150mm canister shot from a railgun but can easily use HEAT rounds with destructive penetration power. These tanks are the most iconic armored vehicles of the Empire, often called “Steel Tiger” by the crew, there is only one case where a Sensho has ever been completely destroyed in battle thanks to thick composite armor and ease of repairs. Specs: [list][*]Crew: 5 (Driver, Captain, Radio Op, and two Gunners) [*]Main Weapon: 150mm Railgun [*]Secondary Weapons: Two Type-2A Autocannons [*]Top Speed: 50km/h (about 31 mph) [*]Manufacturer: Hongpao Foundries [*]Armor: Composite with 125mm (about 5 in) of rolled homogenous steel armor, ceramic plates, spaced armor and depleted uranium.[/list] [/hider] [hider=Yasugi Type-101 Super Heavy Tank] [img][/img] Secret super heavy weapon of the Ryukyu Empire. Much of the information is classified but despite its introduction last year, at least a dozen of them have started construction in a factory on Zhunan with at least one working prototype already active. Rumored to have both tracks and the ability to walk on four legs like a beast and it massive gun makes it a most terrifying weapon indeed… Specs: [list][*]Crew: [CLASSIFIED] [*]Main Weapon: [CLASSIFIED] [*]Secondary Weapons: [CLASSIFIED] [*]Top Speed: [CLASSIFIED] [*]Manufacturer: Zitrung Heavy Industries [*]Armor: [CLASSIFIED][/list] [/hider] [/hider] [hider=Aircraft] [hider=Hayabusa AH4 Attack VTOL] [img][/img] Created for maximum versatility, the AH4 can dive to 2000 ft in depth and act as a submarine while also being able to shoot out of the water and preform ground strike and support roles. They are some of the most well-known VTOLs of the empire, comparably similar to the human Apache and Blackhawk helicopters in their fame. Specs [list][*]Crew: 2 (Pilot and Gunner) [*]Main Weapon: Type-57 Directed Energy Cannon [*]Secondary Weapons: Two Dual 30mm Autocannon, 4 air-to-ground missles [*]Top Speed: 150 km/h (about 93 mph) [*]Top Speed Underwater: 60 km/h (about 37 mph) [*]Manufacturer: Hayabusa Corporation[/list] [/hider] [hider=Hayabusha Kankori Colony Defender] [img][/img] Although an outdated aircraft, the Kankori still serves as air defense on many outposts and colonies. Its age is also a strength as the Kankori relies on mostly analogue controls supplemented by modern technology, meaning that it will still fly and fight even when struck by an EMP (although at reduced efficiency). Easy to fly and maintain, the Kankori is sometimes called the “Subeno”, the pet of the Inshingu God of Forges. Can also be used as bomber, escorts, scouts or air support. Specs [list][*]Crew: 1 (Pilot) [*]Main Weapon: Two .50 caliber plasma-gauss MGs [*]Secondary Weapon: Two Type-2A Autocannons with API rounds [*]Top Speed:700 km/h (about 434 mph) [*]Manufacturer: Hayabusa Corporation[/list] [/hider] [hider=Hayabusa Kai-10 Orbital Striker] [img][/img] Successor to the Kankori, the Kai-10 has replaced the old jet engine-based Colony Defender for a miniaturized Sakurite Generator, allowing it to fly in space. It is the Empire’s mainline fighter in both atmospheric and space engagements. It is one of the most popular air/space craft to choose in simulation games due to how often it is pictured in propaganda posters. Specs [list][*]Crew: 1 (Pilot) [*]Main Weapon: Four Type-2A Autocannons with API rounds [*]Secondary Weapon: Six Nuemoi Missles [*]Top Speed: Mach 1 [*]Combat Speed: 786 km/h (about 488 mph) [*]Manufacturer: Hayabusa Corporation[/list] [/hider] [hider=Mistuhashi Jun-11 Atmospheric Gunship] [img][/img] Part heavy gunship, part troop transport, the Jun-11 has been the go to aircraft for just about every task none of the other air/spacecraft can handle. Two main variants exist: the Jun-11 which is more of a heavy air support gunship armed with misses and directed energy weapons and the Jun-11t that is more focused on transporting troops and supplies. Specs (Jun-11) [list][*]Crew: 10 (Pilot, Co-Pilot, two Nose Gunners, Flight Engineer, two Bombardiers for the missiles, two Waist Gunners, Communications Officer/Navigator) [*]Main Weapon: Shihoshi-Class Missiles (launched in vollys of four) [*]Secondary Weapon: Two Dual Type-93 Kinetic Autocannons with API rounds, 24 Arietti Missile launchers, two Type-2A Energy Autocannons. [*]Top Speed: Mach 1 [*]Manufacturer: Mistuhashi Aviation[/list] Specs (Jun-11t) [list][*]Crew: 6 (Pilot, Co-Pilot, two Nose Gunners, Flight Engineer, Communications Officer/Navigator) [*]Main Weapon: Two Dual Type-93 Kinetic Autocannons with API rounds [*]Secondary Weapon: 16 Arietti Missile launchers. [*]Top Speed: 800 km/h (about 500 mph) [*]Manufacturer: Hayabusa Corporation[/list] [/hider] [hider=Hayabusa Marung Sub-Orbital Bomber] [img][/img] The second dedicated bomber of the Ryukyu Empire, the Marung is actually based on a high-speed civilian spacecraft combined with the 1st generation bomber. Carrying nothing but it ordinance, it drops everything from carpet bombs and the infamous “Hive Rockets” to Resupply Drops and MASS units accurately while going at speeds of Mach 1. While primarily meant for ground bombing, the “Hive Rockets” allow the Marung to engage into orbital combat to some degree. When the Marung opens its bomb bay, the “hive” of the rockets drops and then the rockets automatically seek out targets. Especially damaging to small ships and fighters, it can be used as a good distraction against larger ships and if they too many open spots. Specs [list][*]Crew: 4 (Pilot, Co-Pilot, Bombardier, Radio Operator) [*]Payloads: Carpet Bombs, “Hiver Rockets”, Orbital Reinforcement Pods [*]Top Speed: Mach 1 [*]Manufacturer: Hayabusa Corporation[/list] [/hider][/hider] [hider=Spaceships/Space stations] [hider=Warhawk-Class Destroyer] [img][/img] [/hider] [hider=Halberd-Class Frigate] [img][/img] [/hider] [hider=Dominion-Class Cruiser] [img][/img] [/hider] [hider=Dragon-Class Dreadnaught] [img][/img] [/hider] [hider=Circus-Class Orbital Station] [img][/img] [/hider] [hider=Liberty-Class Orbital Defense Anchor] [img][/img] [/hider][/hider][/hider] [hider=Technology Overview] Having been exposed to a race much more advanced then they were, the Ryukyuan were able to accelerate their technology at astounding rates by learning about what worked and what didn't work. However, much of their technology is mechanical or engineering, biology and life sciences are lagging behind in comparison. [b]Gravitational Well Generator[/b] - Different than a normal FTL drive as it actually shortens the space around and uses "natural" gravity to jump through space, thus only require minimal energy while traveling. This said, it is not as fast as normal FTL drives (say if a normal FTL drive could go 10 lightyears in 5 minutes, the Gravational Well Generator requires half an hour to do the same distance) and it is less accurate meaning that ships have to spread themselves out further to prevent them from crashing upon exiting or have to go in lines. [b]Plasma-Gauss Rounds[/b] - Specialized ammunition used exclusive by the Ryukyu Empire, these bullets are fired from specially designed weapons that accept these kinds of bullets. The round is super heated by the coils as it leaves the barrel, thus letting the plasma stored within come out, enveloping the bullet but not dentigrating the bullet, resulting in a powerful round that can punch through most armors. [b]Sakurite Generators[/b] - Perhaps one of the most important technologies to the Empire, sakurite is used to power many of their military equipment and used in place of nuclear or other means. Unlike nuclear, they are not prone to meltdowns but they will violently explode if too much strain and/or damage is placed on it. [b]Cybernetics and Nanotech[/b] - The Ryukyuans use these things often to rehabilitate those with lost or malfunctioning limbs or used to supplement soldiers. [b]Organic Armors[/b] - Probably the most advance biotech the Empire has, organic armors use hard natural fungus or cellulose given a mixture of drugs and genetic modification to quickly regenerate over time. Had not the Empire funded biological studies more, they might be able to create even more efficient Organic Armors. [b]Artificial Intelligence[/b] - Having created one by mistake before discovering how to create a loyal one (or at least a none hostile one), they are used in many large spacecraft, reducing the overall number of crew men need per ship and increasing the amount of available manpower [b]Cryogenic Stasis[/b] - Used for long distance travel and prisoners, the Empire created these first to solve the issue of rowdy inmates at prison centers. [b]Magnetic Resonance Projector[/b] - Experimental shield used on spacecraft and larger land vehicles. Shield is made of electromagnetic waves constantly being generated by the projector. It seems to work best against energy and low-velocity projectiles. [/hider] [hider=Cultural Overview] Ryukyuans tend to be a very reserved and modest race when dealing with outside races, although they are generally intimate with each other. Hugging is as common as handshaking and usually means you are willing to do friendly business in a professional setting while handshakes could hold potentially shady dealings. Public displays of affections are a common sight in Ryukyuan cities to the point some other species might get a bit uncomfortable around them. Despite all the grace and modesty Ryukyuans have, they are also fiercely loyal to the state and more importantly the Emperor due to generations of propoganda. It is said that some military units operate on more moral than pure discipline and fight just as well. However, simply insulting or teasing the state will not aggravate them as they can tell when someone is serious about their words. Because of this, lying in front of a Ryukyuan is much harder and Ryukyuan society is much more trusting an honest in general. That is not to say Ryukyuans themselves don't lie though. Due to the fact they ran unopposed in their evolutionary race, competition between others and personal achievement is not stressed as much as collective progress and unity. Sporting events are also not as complex with running, martial arts and weapon arts being the major sporting venues. A game similar to soccer is also played but on a smaller scale with rule changes that state you are allowed to use your teammates to score goals. [hider=Religion] Inshingu is the dominate religion of the Ryukyuan people. It is polytheistic, worshipping many gods based on ancient Shinkas as pantheons. Of course they are no longer just Shinkas, but more divine beings that have expanded beyond non-Shinkas. Ryukyuans of legendary enough status can also become "Paragons" which are placed on the same level as deities but lack the powers of one. Paragades can range from war heros to inventors and Emperors/Empresses to normal people who did something heroic. Death in the Inshingu faith works on a cycle of rebirth similar to that in Hinduism; when you die, you are reborn into a life according to your choices in your past life. However, death is not something that is seems as fearful or scary. Many people are neutral about it and some even openly mock it. Desecrating the dead is what really freaks the Ryukyuans out. [/hider] [hider=Slightly Mature Stuff (lol)] Ryukyuans have a looser sense of sexual morals when it come to relationships compared to other species. Extramarital affairs are common and the idea of "cheating" is a hard concept for Ryukyuans to understand as they see marriage and romance as two different things. They are also more embracing of nudity and there are clothing that cater to said audience. Yes, some species will feel [i]very[/i] awkward indeed. [/hider][/hider] [hider=History] For much of its time on Gaishia, the native Ryukyuans ran unopposed in its evolutionary race which left primitive Ryukyuans very different than modern Ryukyuans. Primitive Ryukyuans operated at around half of what is considered normal for modern Ryukyuans, thus their technological progress was slow. For comparison, it took them nearly 8000 years to create the wheel after they finally learned how to harness fire and build huts. This was due to a noticeable lack of competition on their homeworld which resulted in a lack of evolutionary drive. It is possible they might have never evolved beyond this stage had not they been granted an alien expedition. Roughly 3000 thousand years ago, primitive Ryukyuans were finally starting to create farming villages on the bank of rivers when they were visited by an unknown alien race. Referred to as "Shinkas" in the oldest texts, they tried to colonize Gaishia to harvest its Sakurite resources when they encountered the primitive Ryukyuans in what is now referred to as 0 AHEE, After Higher Evolutionary Encounter. While the Shinkas would eventually die out on the planet, they had left the primitive inhabitants with a wealth of knowledge for them to use and mated with them. It is said that the "dual-layered" iris some Ryukyuans have is due to Shinka genes in their blood. The Shinkas's language would be combined with the early writing script to form the modern Shintoshi language. While the Shinka's advanced technology was too advanced to comprehend at first, generations of reading the archives and books the Shinka brought allowed the Ryukyuans to get up to the technology level of modern humans in 1100 AHEE. Being such an influential drive to modern Ryukyuans and so magical to their ancient counterpart, the Ryukyuan religion, Inshingu, was based on the worship of the Shinka colonists; even the Shintoshi word for "father" is "Shinku". However, Ryukyuan history is not all peaceful; they have nearly wiped themselves out on multiple occasions. In 347 AHEE, the Gonzani War broke out were several ideological groups turned violent and fought in a complex system of alliances that would turn on each other on an almost daily basis. It would be ended almost 60 years later in 401 AHEE. The war would eventually lead to the formation of the Imperial Senate which was then simply called the "Council". The Histuga War in 813 also limited the power of the Emperor after the infamous Emperor Pelgi the Mad attempted to dissolve the Senate through force. The Empire was then split into the Imperial Loyalists and the Radical Republicans who wanted end the entire concept of a monarch. The whole entire war lasted for 6 years and was abruptly ended in 819 with the Siege of Pyochin when the leading general betrayed the Mad Emperor after killing the last of the Radicals. He and his son would then rule the Empire with a tyrannical iron fist for almost a century until 899 when a counter-mutiny was lead by the secret daughter of Pelgi, Shibahari who (thankfully) was a better ruler then his father. Ironically the Shibahari and the son of the military dictator were childhood friends. Since then, the Gonazani War and the Histuga Uprising with its ensuing revolution have been the only major wars with a large number of causalities as the entire Empire is one culture. With a stable government, they started planetary colonization efforts in their home system with Ibiran colonized in 1383 AHEE and being officially annexed in 1501 AHEE and the colonization effort of Zhunan starting in 2142.However, an AI Crisis in 2143 has lead many Ryukyuans to be distrustful of the idea of true AIs. In recent years however, scientists and robotics experts managed to create a loyal AI named "Evia" which has since been copied and used as a base for use in the IOMC and government. While technological advancement has slowed in recent times (current year is 2381 AHEE), the Empire still counts themselves as one of the most advanced races. The current Emperor, Emperor Shitatsu Sho, has been urging a policy to focus on more civilian technologies, increasing already heated debate on what the Empire should do next; focus inward perfection or to go beyond the solar horizon. [/hider] [/hider]