[center][h3]::::::::::::::::::::: ::: [i]Deia Ticy[/i] ::: :::::::::::::::::::::[/h3][/center] [color=gray]"Just . . . just wait for a little while, okay? Once everyone has picked a room, we'll be heading to the dining hall and we'll be eating..."[/color] Deia nodded. Nina had given her orders. That made sense. Something made sense, finally. At the mention of food, Deia's head perked up. She didn't say so, but she was hungry. Deia avoided mentioning it because back then her old masters always fed her, even if they would forget for a few days. The one time Deia mentioned how hungry she was, they deliberately stopped feeding her, and they made sure that she knew it. Since then, she stopped asking when she could eat and just trusted her masters wouldn't forget. The small esper did as ordered and just at there silently, waiting and doing nothing else. To Deia, there was a difference between 'waiting' and 'being ordered to wait', the difference being that she had to actively think about waiting and her thoughts didn't stray from her orders and into strange territory; strange territory like the thoughts she was having earlier, which, although not unpleasant, she was not sure she wanted to handle yet. [color=gray]"Erm, though I do have a question,"[/color] Nina started, causing Deia to stare at her once more. [color=gray]"Those, err, restraints are meant to weaken your powers. To what extent are you still able to use them?"[/color] Deia tilted her head. The word 'restraint' usually had a different meaning for her, but judging from where Nina was looking, Deia concluded she must be talking about her new and uncomfortable clothes. She knew that they kept her from seeing and touching most the shiny lights but never really figured out why; her old-old masters liked it when she did so. They called it her 'power' and they always let her use it when they gave her something to do. Still, Deia had a more important question right now . . . "Huwat dhoesh 'eextendut' meean?"