Name: Mitchell "Mitch" Garmen Age: 25 Gender: Male Race: Snake-variety Encantado (cobra) Mitch is a humanoid shape shifting creature called an Encantado. Now, these are not regular shape shifters; technically, he's a snake with the ability to run humanoid, so he does take on snake-like characteristics. He becomes lethargic in the cold, has a mainly carnivorous appetite, among various physical oddities. As a species, Encatadae are known to be lustful, party-loving and very gifted in the fields of music and art. Appearance: Mitch stands at a towering 6'6", has a smoothly muscular build (more toned than chiseled or pronounced). His skin is dark brown mixed with dark and light grey in places. Namely, his belly and lower chest are light grey-brown, with riblike bands of dark grey extending from his back to his sides. Similar markings extend down his legs. These are similar to the markings on a cobra. His eyes are dull grey and slitted, his canine teeth elongated and sharp. His hair is a mop of jet-black with a few yellow streaks, faded to greyish straw. He normally wears plain t-shirts and sweatshirts with weather-appropriate pants. He has a scar on his left eyebrow, slanting down and outward through it in a well-healed slash. There's also a similar, longer scar on his shoulder, likely a continuation of the first. He's got a large watercolour tattoo of a green and yellow cobra coiling up his left arm and wrapping across the back of his shoulders and showing its face on the right side of his neck. It's fans are out, but it isn't hissing, just looking wisely with bright blue eyes. [url=]Snake form[/url] Job: Currently unemployed, looking for work. Personality: Mitch is truly a gentle soul, treating everyone initially with respect and courtesy, and continuing to do so unless given a reason to dislike someone. He has become more responsible in recent years, and gained a deep appreciation for his freedom and for everything else he has. However, he is victim to the traits of his race. Though it's been somewhat quelled in recent years, Mitch is still an Encantado. He loves a good party, good music, and attractive people. However, he's found himself much more mature as of late. While there was definitely a time when he'd (more often than he'd care to admit) find himself hungover in someone else's bed with little recollection as to how he got there, now that side of him is rather rare. Right now, all he wants is a new beginning. Background: Mitch was recently released from a 4-year prison sentence. The charges will be revealed IC, but bear in mind that he did not commit any heinous crimes. He comes from a very large city in the same general region as Diehlstadt, but had to find a new home after being released, having not even nearly enough money to rebuild his old life, and little desire to return to it.