[b]Day 6, November 29th[/b] [b]Subway Tracks[/b] [b]10:50[/b] [i]New York City has changed a whole lot from the past six days. If anyone would of told you that this was going to happen—all in the matter of six days—, you'd tell them that they are fucking crazy. But it fucking did happened. In six fucking days. The city, that symbolized the American Dream and showed how powerful America was, would collapse in six days for an outbreak. The city always has been weaken, crushed down until collapse; but, the city and its' people always stool tall and proud despite terrible things happening. The virus is one of them and in the end of this, New Yorkers will still be staying here until they die.[/i] Javier was walking ahead of the group on the dark subway tracks as he grabbed an other flare, twisted the top, and threw it far. It was the only light source as the lights were not blight enough, plus it was orange. The color stool out for the dark, empty subway trucks as it made the tracks easier to see. He kept walking forward, passing by large, white paint words that said: [center][b]"None of this matters.."[/b][/center] Soon, he stopped walking and turned towards the other members of the group as they were still walking forward. Javier looked around to see a couple tents (due to the darkness, it was unable clear if people are inside or not), a subway train, and the writing on the wall. He began to speak to the group, "Alright, we have been walking for a hour. We should be close to a platform and get to the surface and out of the darkness. But, we need to take a break before advancing forward. We haven't see inside New York City yet; but, be ready for the worst. Reports from the city in the first days of the outbreak were bad. So please watch each others' backs and look around for supplies. We also need food and useful things.". Javier was about to finish until he remember one important thing: the masks. The masks were to be wear around a dead infected body, so the agents wouldn't get the virus and die. To be such of his team's safely, Javier made a note to the time as he said to them, "Don't forget to wear the mask when you see a dead infected body. I don't want you to die at all until we have found the cure.". "Since I have nothing more to say, let's go look around." he quickly said as he began to walk towards an empty spot of the tracks. He looked at the watch and in the matter of a couple seconds, the map of where they were appeared. Such enough, they were near a platform and at the surface a police station is just a couple blocks away from their position. They could go look there to make such that the officers were safe. The NYPD was the only form of order during the five days. They were made such to guard their stations and the Quarantine zones. By now, some of their stations and all of the zones are guarded by the NYPD, the US military, and the agents from the Division. They are just starting to take back their stations for gangs and active them so people can turn to them for protection. Javier kept looking at the map as he tried to find other interesting areas until it disappeared as he walked towards the flare.