[img]http://www.memes.at/faces/several_days_later.jpg[/img] The entirety of the MetaOps' strike team, minus Pirate Queen who had gone AWOL at some point during the fight with The Immortal, was gathered in the briefing room, ready to hear the details of their next mission. The Director stood at the front, with an image of a woman being projected on the wall behind him. "Good morning team," he said. "This is today's target." The Director then handed out several [url=http://www.roleplayerguild.com/topics/79702-metaops-project-god-complex/char#post-2627358]files[/url], each giving information on the woman. "As you can see from her file, she's a very nasty customer. We've tracked her whereabouts to a large hotel in Chicago, Illinois," he said as the image changed to the [url=http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/4/40/Chicago_(8).jpg]building[/url] he was referring to, with pictures of the [url=http://graphics8.nytimes.com/images/2008/09/26/travel/v_trump_lobby_395.jpg]lobby[/url] different [url=http://cdn.cstatic.net/cache/gallery/3299/5697008115_137992ab98_o.jpg]rooms[/url] next to it. "Unfortunately, we lost contact with the recon team following her and don't know anymore than which building she's in. Considering that's one hundred floors to cover on your own, that's a lot of ground to cover. I hope you're all up for it. Crosscut will be transporting one team; led by him and consisting of Hopper, Freyja, Chimera, Bright Angel, and new addition Astral; to the lobby where you will go bottom-to-top searching for the target. Stratos will be air dropping the second team; led by Revel and consisting of Specter, Widowmaker, MicWiz, and Elementalist; on the roof where you will be searching top-to-bottom. Remember, we need her alive. Happy hunting team."