[b]Name:[/b] December (Emma or Emmy) Ellis [b]Age:[/b] 28 [hider=Appearance][b]Looks:[/b] [img]http://i1062.photobucket.com/albums/t492/AidanCarlisle/Character%20Images/qr_fantasy2ChristineGriffin_zpslpzqm0uf.jpg[/img] [b]Costume:[/b] [img]http://i1062.photobucket.com/albums/t492/AidanCarlisle/Character%20Images/Hero%20One_zpsqqdnw2zk.png[/img] Yes, it absolutely did need a fur collar, I assure you. [/hider] [b]Equipment:[/b] None yet [b]Power/Special Skill:[/b] December's abilities are of the mental variety, but largely untrained and somewhat unpredictable. The one that is most honed is telepathy, which is what gives her an advantage in a fight. By knowing her enemies' thoughts, she knows what is coming her way a moment before it does. She is by no means an exceptional fighter and being able to "see" what is coming doesn't mean she can avoid it entirely. This is why she prefers to not be in the middle of the fray, or to keep some muscle around. She struggles with the ability to "turn off" her telepathy, unable to shut out the outside world. She needs training to focus what skills she has and discover any more that may yet be latent. [b]Backstory:[/b] As a child December suffered from what her parents and doctors assumed were Night Terrors, but were rather the early manifestation of the mental abilities that would show later in life. She would "sense" upcoming disasters and tragedies for days before hand, leading to sleeplessness, agitation, fear, and even depression. As she got older the sense seemed to fade, her parents attributing the change to successful therapy. However her ability to hear the thoughts of others followed soon after in middle school. She never told anyone about her special abilities and moved away from home as soon as she had the opportunity. She took jobs that left her as isolated as possible so that she could have a clear head. One one of her rare visits to see family she started to consider just what she might be able to do with her gifts. [b]Personality:[/b] Outwardly December is generally friendly toward others and tries to avoid being actively hostile toward those she doesn't get along with. Inwardly she struggles with finding her identity and her place in the world. She knows that her gifts are potentially useful and that she should use them to do good, but being around groups of people, even small ones, can quickly become unbearable as she gets inside their heads whether she wants to or not.