"I guess I have time for a sparring match." Marcus said unbuttoning his suit and adjusting his clothing to were he could fight in a more relaxed tone. "Stand back students and prepare to witness a remarkable Battle." Marcus stood in a fighting position and closed his eyes. He opened them reviling his now cyan colored eyes. A sphere like gust of wind surrounded him and sprouted put spontaneously covering the whole gym. [Color=cyan] "Looks like you guys won't be using magic." [/color] He smiled knowing the sparring match was now leaning towards him. Since this Sol guy is a new opponent he hoped to catch him of gaurd with his speed and see how he'd coop with it. Marcus stepped forward and appeared directly in Sol's face. [Color=cyan] "Let the match begin!" [/color] He yelled as he threw a medium speed punch aimed for Sol's face. The punch can be dodge but if he decides to not move a powerful gust of wind would be impact his face and probably knock him a few feet back. If the attack was unsuccessful he'd just try his best to quickly go on the defensive.