Letting the two talk among eachother, Alucard simply awaited for the right time to interject into their conversation, resting a hand on his chin, his cape like cloak gently moved as if wind was blowing upon it, however no such wind was blowing in his direction. Eventually he spoke up, after listening to the two talk, Alucard sheathed his sword. [b]"That appears to be the only answer we can give. If you know these lands, perhaps it would be best if you could help us? You don't seem the malevolent type, but I wont drop my guard... However it would be appriciative if you could help direct us to some shelter. The longer we sit here, more enemies could be crawling from the earth to hunt us down, a secure location would be most beneficial to us."[/b] All Alucard could ponder was how odd these people were, the language above the bocky entities head spewing words rather than talking, the quick footed painting raccoon and the world around them consisting of blocky objects, it truly was an odd realm. [b]"Have you found anyone else yet? Any other entities not from this world? I fear our meeting was not one of chance... There could be evil afoot..."[/b]