Kat rolled her eyes at the response. Her token effort of group work had been fulfilled, now they had no basis for criticism. Quickly noting the remaining figures not the focus of attack she fired of rapid bursts of magical energy, bright blue and one for each. She noted one of the women avoided the hit despite not seeming to look but her attention was distracted by the floor beginning to shake. Whipping around she found the source and smiled. [color=9966CC]"Come on baby, rock my world."[/color] Kat teased as she stalked up to him before beginning to attack. She was the image of fluidity and grace, a matter-of-fact destruction, alternating between sword and magic at seemingly random. More of her attention was on her footwork than usual, as was to be expected with the floor being unsteady as it now was. Then the floor seemed to swell up and rise like a wave, which seemed determined to crash down on her. She quickly jumped back, disappearing behind the wave for a moment before it smoothed out again. Quickly jumping up she rushed him only for him to land a heavy hit. However 'Kat' began to fade and fracture away, with Avalanche left looking on in dazed confusion. That was all the time the real Kat needed to drive the sword into his back, upon which he faded too as her illusion had before him.