[center][h1]The Heroes Chapter I : Reunion[/h1] [IMG]http://i59.tinypic.com/ngpnns.jpg[/IMG][/center] [i]The mountains. Known for their many dangers and deadly nature in wintertime, they were the complete opposite in summer. The sun was shining from a clear blue sky on the green pines and grey rocks of the landscape. A quiet breeze caressed the travelers as they made their separate ways along the paths going up towards the small plateau where the cabin was. There was a nice smell in the air, of blossoms and woods, and the birds were singing delightfully from the trees. In the background was the constant but gentle roar of faraway rivers and waterfalls. Today was a good day.[/i] [hr] By evening, most of you are close to the cabin. When the first of you arrive you're met by an inviting sight: the pale light of the evening sky is mixed with the warm light of a freshly stoked fire coming from the windows of the little house. Smoke is rising lazily from the chimney, drifting away on the gentle breeze. A horse is tethered outside the cabin, along with an empty cart. As you enter the cabin, you find it recently swept for dust but empty of people. In a corner sits two barrels and a large chest. Upon further inspection you find that they are filled with beer and food. Judging from the scene, one of the other adventurers must have come here before you. Might be he or she is just out on an errand, and will soon be returned. You footsteps outside, and turn to see who it is...