Helvetica ran through the streets, feet splashing in the water on the streets. Soft gold glows came from the streetlights as Helvetica ran. The rain fell, dripping down Helvetica's face and her hair. She hugged her jacket closer, keeping her clothed dry as she ran. The wind whistled past her as she ran, ignorant of her surroundings. A soft mewling fought Helvetica's attention as she ran. She skidded to a stop and turned to the source of the noise. A speck of white fought her eye and she walked closer. It was a small kitten, a runt, with pure white fur, stained with mud, and bright blue eyes. Helvetica reached down and scooped up the kitten. She opened her jacket slightly and nestled the small kitten inside, keeping it warm. The kitten began to purr softly. Helvetica smiled and began to run again, this time slower. Helvetica stopped in from of the door of the Mayor's Parlor. She pulled it open and slipped inside, trying to avoid drawing attention to herself. Edging closer to the walls Helvetica found a nice spot, uncrowded and empty. Helvetica leaned against the wall and pulled out the kitten, holding it close to her, softly petting it's head. She pulled out a damp cloth and began to was the dirt out the kittens fur. [i]I need to give you a name, don't I? [/i] Helvetica thought looking sweetly at the kitten, [i]Li. That sound good.[/i] "[color=f49ac2]Your name is gonna be Li[/color]," Helvetica whispered at the kitten. Li would be a nice companion. Plus now Li wasn't on the streets. Now the little thing had a home where she wouldn't have to fight for food.