Malte was slowly walking towards the mayor’s house, the rain drenching his clothes. This job should allow him to get some money. What could he buy though? Maby he could get a new spell? Could you possibly even buy spells? What’s that wheeled thing moving down the street? Malte emedietly stopped walking towards the mayor’s house, and chased down the mortus powered vehicle. This was 20 times more interesting. How in the world did these things work, and oh look! A rat! Malte wandered off into one of the alleyways, trying to look closer at the rat. The poor creature was covered in blood, seemingly self-inflicted. Why in the world would it do that? This town is so interesting. And to top it off, there was some yells coming from a nearby area. Malte ran over there as fast as he could, trying not to slip on the wet, red ground. A crowd had gathered around the lake watching a person bite a shark… that’s new. The person was swimming through the sky…no wait that’s the ocean. Malte could never really tell the difference. Either way that person was getting close to a big house… perhaps that’s the house that he has to go to? Where did he even have to go again? He could not remember, and he did not have the little flyer that advertises the job. Might as well chase down that dude.