[@MThePathSeeker][@ViolentViolet] Ok, though a bit incomplete, here it goes: Name: Cu Chulain (Formerly Setanta) Age: Unknown, looks like he's in his early twenties Level: 8 Race: Unknown, appears to be human but many people claim he's a half-god, he doesn't care either way Affiliation: Macha Familia Equipment: Light Armor, Protective Amulet, Cursed Spear - Gae Bolg Looks: [img]http://images2.wikia.nocookie.net/__cb20120415024241/typemoon/images/1/1e/Proto_lancer.png[/img] Skills: Cu Chulain is skilled across a wide range of areas, from combat, to hunting, to magic and lore, but his true pride lies with the fact the he's a hell of a good barman able to mix the most exotic of the drinks to perfection Magic: Cu Chulain is a master of Rune magic knowing all of the 13 original Words of Power and able to combine them to create a wide range of magical effects, that said, he doesn't like to rely on magic to fight and uses them mostly as a back up measure Talents: Though a skilled spearman and wielder of a famous cursed weapon, Cu Chulain is also as deadly with any other weapon he might pick up as well as with his fists when deprived of them. His body is resistant, able to withstand damage that would kill many an ordinary man, but some times he lets his bloodlust take over him and becomes a dangerous berzerker killing anything on sight, friend or foe. Class: Vanguard Personality: (Later) Biography: (later) Other: (later) ------------------------ Name: Macha of the Three Morrigan Sisters Looks: [img]http://vignette3.wikia.nocookie.net/typemoon/images/3/36/Proto_misaya.png/revision/latest?cb=20130105224014[/img] Familia: Cu Chulain Blessing: As a goddess of a trio of dieties who rule over war, fate and death, Macha's blessing gives it's holders increased physical prowess as well as the ability to avoid death in all but the direst circunstances, though they also inherit her fickleness, becoming prone to fits of unexplained rage Magic: Macha's magic powers are of the grim sort, she's known as a dread witch even among fellow deities and specializes in curses and divination, as well as being able to summon a number of lesser creatures (mainly wolves) as familars Talents: Though Macha is very knowledgeable, possessing a wealth of obscure lore collected in her library, she's not very good when it comes to daily chores and mainly leaves all of them to Cu chulain, bossing him around to no end, if their house/tavern didn't belong to her, she wolud be the perfect example of a freeloader Class: War Goddess Personality: (later) Biography: (later) Other: (later)