Name: Oerba [Pronounciation: Oh-Air-Bah] Age: 3000 Gender: F Race: Naga/Lamia Appearance: [url=]Oerba[/url] Occupation: High ranking police officer Personality: Oerba is a woman who keeps a calm and calculating demeanor and almost always has an ulterior motive to any action she does. She takes what she wants from life and may not use the most honorable methods to do so. Being as stealthy as a snake, Oerba can lie through her teeth to get herself out of a tough situation or talk circles around people to confuse and disorient them. On the inside, she holds loyalty to those she deems worthy of her time and effort. These people should not reject her offer of friendship lightly. Oerba does not believe in any authority but her own and will not take orders very easily. She is a realistic person who has a firm understanding of how the world works and doesn't let things like tradition or religion control her life. The Naga follows her own path and does not let things like doctrines lead her like a marionette. Background: Oerba chooses to live in Diehlstadt so she can protect monsters and humans alike from death and exploitation. She came from a large Naga clan based in the desert. She was hand picked by her father to be the next clan mother when he and Oerba's mother passed away. When she was young was excited at the idea of taking her place as leader until her elders taught her the duties of a clan mother. All of the laws and regulations of their clan would oppress Oerba's personality and force her into a lifetime of giving birth to children rather than exploring the world and living her life. This pushed Oerba to pack up her life and lead it elsewhere without the pressure of her clan's traditions looming over her. The Naga moved into Diehlstadt when she found that it was a free city where humans and monsters alike could live in peace with each other. This drove her to become a figure who could protect the rights of these people and give them the opportunity to choose their own destinies and live their own lives without tradition binding them.