[center][h2]Altered Tundra's RPG Ranking Tournement Fighting Criteria[/h2][/center] [hr] Character Name: Alexis Tomer Power Level: Street Level/Lightly-powered Arena: To be decided Victory: Knock-Out. Wager: To Be decided Stipulation: Continuum, if possible. I want to build this character up through each battle, be it winning or losing. [hider=Alexis Tomer] [center][img]http://i.imgur.com/HODMJ3J.jpg[/img] Real Life Reference: [img]http://img5.visualizeus.com/thumbs/68/9c/eyes,girls,green,photography,redheads,wallnest-689c483e58fcdc2ac18a01ebf50a134a_h.jpg[/img][/center] [hr] [color=ed1c24][b]Name:[/b][/color] Alexis Tomer [color=ed1c24][b]Age:[/b][/color] 24 [color=ed1c24][b]Gender:[/b][/color] Female [color=ed1c24][b]Race:[/b][/color] Human [color=ed1c24][b]Hair Color:[/b][/color] Reddish Orange [color=ed1c24][b]Eye Color:[/b][/color] Green [color=edlc24][b]Height:[/b][/color] 5’4 [color=ed1c24][b]Weight:[/b][/color] 132lbs [hr] [color=ed1c24][b]Physical Appearance:[/b][/color] Alexis has a very toned body with scars all and around her frame. She has them on her neck, on the arms, legs, back. This is the result that comes from the harsh training she put herself through to become the best. It’s surprising that her feminine features remained intact, well for the most part anyway. Her red hair is still as glossy as it was before she started her training at the age of seven and her green eyes show such balance in her center. Her own frame isn’t that tall, though. She only comes to an inch shy of 5’5. Weight is surprisingly light, but don’t let that fool you. She will kick your ass before you even have time to underestimate her. [color=ed1c24][b]Attire:[/b] [/color] Alexis isn’t one for being glamorous or fancy or anything of the sort. Honestly, she only wears what she feel she needs for a fight, which happens to be some nice combat boots that have a dull tan color with pink streak, fingerless gloves made from a special material that allows her to fight better that are the same color as her boots, a moderately light blue tank top, and knee-high shorts that are loose and tight at the same time that also are the same color as her boots and gloves. [color=ed1c24][b]Personality:[/b] [/color] At the core of her being, Alexis is a fighter. She ripens when the heat of battle overtakes her. She could lose herself when she finds an opponent that can push her to her limits. Everything from the notion of finding a worthy opponent to fight all the way to beating said opponent turns her on so much. Some could even say that when she fights, it’s like she’s getting fucked silly. Fighting is her love and its her passion. Her demeanor is focused, but due to her love of the fight, it’s also playful. She is cocky beyond reason and sometimes that could be her downfall. She knows it, and yet, as she has faced countless enemies over the years, it does not bother her. She sees it as a strength rather a weakness. [hr] [h2][color=ed1c24][b][u]Abilities[/u][/b][/color][/h2] [color=ed1c24][b]Physical Abilities-[/b][/color] [color=ed1c24]Enhanced Physical Condition: [/color] Be it her continuous training or something else entirely, Alexis has maintained a more-than-human condition that has allowed her continuously maintain a physical and mental condition. This entails that she is faster, stronger, and more intelligent than most human beings. She is able to react faster, endure more damage than most, last longer than most, and do everything that a supernatural can without being supernatural. [color=ed1c24]Enhanced Agility:[/color] Alexis is able to go from one motion to another effortlessly, effectively dodge attacks, swing from things easily, sprint, do back-flips, and other gymnastic, athletic and martial implements with little effort. Agility is the ability to rapidly respond or change by adapting its initial stable configuration, the ability to change the body’s position efficiency, and requires the integration of isolated movement using a combination of balance, bodily coordination, speed, reflexes, strength, and endurance. Alexis has all of these parts that allows her to move freely and effortlessly, as compared to normal humans who can’t. Even though she can do all of those things, Alexis is still suspect to things such as exhaustion and fatigue. And over time, her joints could become inflamed and arthritic. And even more importantly, this does not mean that she could survive falls from great heights or crashes into walls. Well, at least not without sustaining some kind of damage or injury. [color=ed1c24]Enhanced Balance:[/color] Alexis has both extremely well-developed sense of balance, the positioning of limbs, and the center of balance as well as the physical condition to use those facts. The combination makes her almost impossible to being knocked down/imbalanced, falling down and unable to recover from momentary imbalances almost instantly. She can also almost perfectly balance on nearly any object, no matter how narrow or unstable it might be. [color=ed1c24]Enhanced Combat Skills:[/color] Because she had spent so many years training and honing her fighting capabilities, it shouldn’t be that unbelievable that Alexis is skilled in most forms of fighting. She is exceptionally proficient in the fighting traditions of a variety of cultures and has become advanced with her own method of close-quarter combat, including martial arts(various kinds), boxing, and wrestling. Her ability to predict attacks when they come, cancel them out, and deal comeback blows is matched only by her ability to dish out multiple hits in one go, almost without having her opponent realize what had just happened to her. However, Alexis does require a visual of her opponent to deal such blows and she might also lose control, which happens for her from time to time and it could result in a sloppy handling of her opponent. [color=ed1c24]Enhanced Dexterity:[/color] Alexis can precisely control her movements and muscles, making them unable to be clumsy or fumble-like. She can slip through a network of lasers, reach through dangerous, narrow tunnels, keep perfect balance, or juggle effortlessly without ever tripping or wobbling. She can also move her finger or toes effortlessly, with tendon strain no longer being a problem. Alexis can only fall over when she is physically-uprooted or pushed, though most times, like a cat, she will land on her feet. She can stand up right on most unstable surfaces, such as a moving vehicle, a collapsing building, or an earthquake. Of course, if the vehicles are moving too fast or the building is coming to fast or if the earthquake is too harsh, she will find difficulty. Alexis is also able to regain balance and bounce back to her feet quickly. Due to Alexis’ cocky and over-confident nature, she will lose slight of control and she could fall if she’s not careful. She also runs the risk of injury if too much is done and knowing her, Alexis would surely do just that and find herself in a hospital if she doesn’t watch it. [color=ed1c24]Enhanced Endurance:[/color] An enhanced level of endurance gives Alexis a literal low-power setting, which allows her to operate for an extended amount of time. She can hold her breath for longer periods of time, wail at someone for long periods of time, and remain calm through stressful and/or painful times. She can also tolerate extreme hunger, unbearable thirst, and strong urges to sleep. This also allows her to keep on fighting for long periods of time, though she has found that she is limited three hours of continuous and high-pressured fighting before she would start to feel a little worn out. [color=ed1c24]Enhanced Reflexes:[/color] Alexis has drastically-enhanced reaction speed, allowing her to dodge bullets, catch files in midair, dodge and maneuver around complex attacks, catch falling objects, block detriments, and react instantaneously to what others take more time to react to. This coincides with her training as she tried to put as much focus on her reaction time as she could. Of course, having a master teach her that also helped. Some objects might be too fast for Alexis to react to and that could be the downfall for her enhanced reflexes. [color=ed1c24]Enhanced Strength:[/color] Alexis has the incredible ability to defy weight limitations set upon the human race, but not completely break them. Dense, length, or overweight items are easy for her to move in nearly any manner. She can also crush, hit, lift, throw, or catch items of great weight. The sheer ferocity of her strength is enough to pulverize almost any object. When Alexis punches, she can crush certain objects like rocks and boulders. The same can be said about her kicks. When she stomps on the ground, she can cause a shockwave within a reasonable radius. There is, of course, a downside to her strength. One of the more notable ones is that while Alexis is super strong, the aspect of gravity and mass still applies to her. There is a limit of how far her strength can go in terms of how heavy of weight she can lift. There’s also the fact that her limbs could be suspect to injury if she pushes too far. Muscle and nerve damage also pose a threat to her and considering she’s a cocky woman, she might not realize it before its too late. [hr] [h2][color=ed1c24][b][u]Powers[/u][/b][/color][/h2] [color=ed1c24][b]Fighter’s Spirit:[/b][/color] Alexis had known that there was something deep inside her, like a flame of some kind. She knew it from her intense passion for fighting and for other things close and dear to her heart. She first became aware of how intense her passions were when she discovered a certain spark. The more she would tap into this certain spark, the more she became aware that it was much more than that. She knew that she had a fiery spirit unlike anybody she has ever known, even the person who taught her to control this inner-flame of hers. Each time she would enter a fight or even feel the need to punch something, the fire would surround herself like a fiery aura, completely encasing her hand or leg or whatever. When she would punch or kick a wall or any kind of solid surface, it would burn upon contact, and crack due to the pressure of the heat. Alexis, early on, tested how hard of surfaces and how much damage she could do with this Flame Aura and from the start, concrete was the most she could do. However, the more she trained, the more powerful it got until the point where she was able to burn through flesh and bone. Of course, this required her to remain focused, which was something that she lacked early on. Even now, Alexis lacks certain focus that disables the full potency, which could be great if only she had the proper discipline. As it stands currently, Alexis is able to maintain her Flame Aura for a duration of ten minutes with a three minute recharge before she can activate it again. With it on, she achieved feats that include flight and fire projection. When Alexis uses her Flame Aura to take flight, she can control it rather well as long as she retains a clear head, which most of the time isn't all the time. She has problems maintaining her cool, especially if she get too excited or stressed out over something. This in turn interferes with her ability to maintain a solid flight. With all of that being said, that would only happen if she found herself on the losing side or over-confident that she would win a fight. Her control, in minor cases, is relatively good and she is able to fly at moderately fast speeds(about the speed that a car going normal speeds would go). As per her training and ability of control, Alexis has tested her limits and she can only maintain continuous flight for three minutes and just as much time for recharge before she can take flight once more. Alexis also can manipulate the flames themselves spread out like wildfire or protect her like a literal fire armor, both of which require more of her energy, which also decreases her allotted time of maintaining the aura. The way she can distribute and manipulate fire is as she would punch. Since the Flame Aura itself was a manifestation of her own inner-fire and passion of fighting, each punch and kick she does, a somewhat thin stream of fire is released. Her very soul is put into each pick and if she wishes it, she can make the fire extend several yards, but of course, that puts more strain on her reserves, so she doesn't do it. The same can be said about her defensive capabilities, which the potency of them would increase the more she puts into it. In other words, if she wants to focus on defense, she can't attack. If she wants to focus on attacking with fire, she can't defend. She can have one or the other, but not both. Due to the protective and augmentative properties, her Flame Aura further enhances Alexis’ enhanced capabilities almost twice as much, but it also can strain her just the same amount. Her aura has also demonstrated very light healing capabilities, which only seem to heal very minor wounds, which means that any severe would require a lot of time to heal properly. [color=ed1c24][b][u]Equipment[/u][/b][/color] [color=ed1c24]Gloves and Boots:[/color] The combat gloves and boots that Alexis wears might appear to be of regular materials, but they’re the farthest thing from it. They were crafted from a special material that has the feel and touch to regular old cotton, but the damage potency they hold is that on par by a finely-sharpened blade. They are reinforced by a rare metal that has no physical aspect of any kind of metal, but if met with a human body, the force that which a metal, blunt object would have, would certainly be felt at least half if Alexis were to punch or kick a human body or any body for that matter. [/hider] Character Name: Power Level: Arena: Victory: Wager: Stipulation: Character Name: Power Level: Arena: Victory: Wager: Stipulation: Character Name: Power Level: Arena: Victory: Wager: Stipulation: Character Name: Power Level: Arena: Victory: Wager: Stipulation: