[center]Yuki Moonlight Manor 7:00 AM[/center] The young woman had slept through the night with the space in the bed next to her filled by the bulk that was her mate and alpha male, Damian. He was warm when he slept, gentle when he touched her and always kind when he could though there was always a part of him that he wouldn't allow her to near, even after the five years since he had become the alpha male and taken her to mate. They had yet to produce an offspring. It was strange in the eyes of the pack and she knew it though she wouldn't pressure him or force herself upon the man who she could tell by looking at him, had lost much more than she could possibly believe. That was why she couldn't force him to do anything, even with her ready and wanting she wasn't the type to force anyone to do anything - regardless of the power she held because of her position. She lay then in bed, wearing a long white t-shirt and her panties, though the man had little touched her the night before other than to stroke her thigh until she fell asleep after dark when he was the most relaxed and comfortable with her that he had been in a very long time. She remembered the soft kiss that he had touched to the top of her head when he thought she was sleeping and a light blush spread across her cheeks as she remembered it. He was just too sweet to not like. The woman rolled out of the bed with a tired yawn and stood, stretching up until the shirt lifted to to reveal a strip of her stomach while long black hair fell down her back and cascaded in the waves that shone straight and simple on their journey down her back. She looked pass herself toward the balcony and saw her mate outside, watching the sun rising though she had missed a fair amount of it in her slumber. It had been a long time since she had slept so long and instead of doing nothing she found a pair of black pajama pants and pulled them on before walking outside with the male. She didn't reach out to touch him at first, nor did she speak as she leaned against the railing and let the wind play with the tips of her hair, lifting them as they danced in the light breeze. She leaned out over the edge and looked out over the forest, breathing in the morning air as the sun rose and waited for the man to say something though she had never expected him too in the first place. The Japanese woman tilted her head back and looked at the male beside her, quietly reaching out to touch a soft hand to his arm though she moved her gaze away from him again when she looked and parted her lips while she touched the tense muscle of his forearm. [color=7ea7d8]"How'd you sleep?"[/color] She asked him, her voice quiet and her accent just barely noticeable while her followed the line of his arm up to his elbow where she wrapped her hand around what she could and stepped slightly closer to him. It was chilly outside this morning, the early fall was showing clearly this morning and she thought of the coming winter. Her son was always eight, and it have been nearly five years to the date that his father had died in a battle for Alpha. Nearly five whole years since she had taken a new mate though in those five years she had rarely been touched and never felt the quickening of a child in her womb again. Already she almost never conceived a child or carried it to term and settling at the peek of her maturity. [@MThePathSeeker] [hr] [center]Freya Volrath's Forest 7:00AM[/center] The wolf prowled through the forest, large and mottled shades of brown, grey and black with a soft white underbelly and rippling muscle beneath the heavy fur that barely moved in the wind. The wolf lifted it's head, large, black eyes peering over the bushes toward the clearing where the deer were. She could see three of them, all uninjured and at rest and knew that the rest of the herd would not be far off of them; the buck here was clearly the leader of the herd himself. The wolf dropped lower to the ground, paws landing impossibly silently on the soft leaves and the grass while she crept through the shadows until the wolf was crouched upwind of prey animals, waiting for the perfect moment to strike. A sudden change of the wind did exactly the job to cue the waiting predator. The wolf lunged, flying through the air with surprising nimbleness, landing on the back of the buck and killing it with the claws that hooked around it's body from the massive paws that held onto his back. The two others in the clearing had started to run, one barely making it to the edge before the horse sized wolf found the strangely large deer and caught onto it, tearing it open from throat to groin and following toward the other female. Unfortunately, while chasing it she caught scent of it really, beyond to fear and prey-scent. The deer was pregnant. the wolf ceased chasing and turned away, returning to the clearing where both deer lie dead and bleeding in the grass. The forest itself was just large, and the wild life inside it was different than most others, each seeming to be mutated beyond normal pretense. Few humans entered the forest and left alive. The hulking beast of a predator crouched next to the body of the buck and drove her muzzle into it's corpse, tearing off a chunk of meat and swallowing it down the great maw. The teeth were long and sharp, like kitchen knives or daggers protruding from her gums. Blood dripped from the creatures maw, colouring the fur of her chest and shoulders, her bloodied paws settling in the growing pool of blood mud comfortably as the beast settled in to eat her kill. In this forest she wasn't in danger of much other than the bears, since humans either wouldn't come here or would die to something else and even the other bears and felines here often left the lone wolf alone. She wasn't a threat to them, her feeding just enough to sustain herself since she had no mate or pups and she rarely stayed in one place long enough to be a real bother. [hr] [center]Cassiopeia Town - Square 7:00AM[/center] The dark skinned girl spent her morning showering and dressing before leaving the small motel room she had rented three days ago when catching word that there were hunters in the far off, out of the way town of StillWater and had rode into town without another moment of hesitation. Her blonde braids swung around her as she walked, clad in jeans and a plaid button down shirt with good boots and a hat settled on her head she looked like the classic country gal - if she was a native american that is. The girl walked through the town, quietly looking around with a small flake of genetically modified aconite behind her ear to dull the senses of any wolves nearby so that they wouldn't recognize what she was right away - often packs thought they should recruit the girl who had lived in many places, her tribe the first to have settled in this land before leaving and going to Russia where they continued to live in silence for many years. It was an attack by Soviet soldiers and Hunters that had ended that existence and few were left alive at the time, only those that had managed to run and stay out of Damian's quest for vengeance. She lifted a hand to adjust the hat on her head, the wide brim easily casting a shadow on her features though the red markings on her skin were stark against the tan - natural and acquired - of her skin. They were patterned mostly the same though there were images on her skin beneath the clothes that she had always covered from human eyes, many of these designs of ink had traversed over to her fur colouring when she shifted as well. As she adjusted the hat slightly she slipped the wolfsbane from behind her ear and tucked it into the breast pocket of her shirt and continued onward, her feet following a path that she had never seen before. It was always best to learn the layout of a town when one first entered it, finding all those little things that most people who passed through would miss easily. Cas had always been vigilante when she followed a Hunter trail, careful to find them without revealing herself as well. The red eyes young woman had scented the men first, before hiding her presence among the common folk of the town and instead of simply hunting them down she'd watched for a while though if she followed this second one into the diner now she might be found. First she had to find his prey and see if there were those that really deserved to be slain. It was an odd role for a wolf to play, silently guiding hunters toward wolves that they could easily kill in most cases though it helped the community fr the most part in the long run. Even if the wolves mourned, a troublesome and difficult to teach wolves had died for it's lack of humanity and that was all that really kept them human at all, apart from the beasts the humans characterized them as when they thought of werewolves. She would never understand why vampires were better to live with existing than wolves. The animals died and lived just like humans, though those who actually had to feed on humans were thought of as misunderstood and romantic? The wolf rolled her eyes as she approached the fountain and sat down on a bench, waiting for the sun to rise. [hr] [center]Claudia Town - Diner 7:00AM[/center] The girl had woken up to her alarm clock blaring, just after six o'clock and realized that she was going to be late if she didn't get up and get read to work that morning. She was still on summer hours though she was home schooled for most of the year and only went into town for a couple of classes a semester, usually by way of her uncles horse where she would tie him up at the park across from the elementary school. The town the school was in was just barely big enough that they could have a school, if they took in students from the several other towns in the area because they couldn't fit all of the small town kids into the city schools and it would be impractical to bust them all over an hour when they could walk an hour and a half or bus forty five minutes. So she would take the horse into town for last period, pick up her cousin after she was done school and take her home for dinner most days since the three of them were often ready to eat at the same time and sometimes joined Claudia's parents. Her parents were fine with her staying over at her cousins most days because they knew that her uncle was hopeless with children and needed the help to raise his daughter after his wife had passed away. Claudia rolled out of bed, landing hard on her hands and thighs, the cool touch of the hardwood waking her quickly as she jumped up and ran to the bathroom to shower, trying to be as quiet as she could since neither of her parents were even awake yet. The water was hot and steaming nicely, unfortunately she couldn't dally since she had meant to be at work when she started this morning, just at seven o'clock and glad she wasn't opening the diner this morning though she was the waitress today until another girl got there around one to help out with the lunch rush. She'd most likely be there until around six or seven and then shed visit her aunts grave and go home like she usually would, with little social life to speak of. Thankfully she had made it to work on time and just as she was walking toward the front, tying on the white apron she wore around her waist over the uniform skirt, she saw Wilard walking in as he usually did around this time in the morning. She saw him wave and shrugged, he never would remember that Becky stopped working here six months ago because she moved, would he. [color=f49ac2]"Mr. Wilard. Good to see you up so early, just like always." [/color] She greeted him as he took his usual seat near the window and went to put in his order since there wouldn't be a change this morning. She took his coffee and picked up the days newspaper as she walked over to him, setting the mug down next to him and offering the paper as well since some days he wanted to read it and other days he did not. [color=f49ac2]"How are you this morning?"[/color] She asked, sweet and naive as always without an inkling of an idea of what and who really lived in the town she had been born and raised inside of. Her pink hair was held half up and half down today, with her big blue eyes staring out at all the people she saw wandering this early in the morning. [@barkmeat2]