Heard the hissing growing louder and louder only to widen his eyes and was about to react when, quicker than he could even see, Alucard had already taken care of the threat. Looking more than little shocked, the raccoon stared at the whole ordeal before nodding, “Ooookaaaay…” he said, sounding more than a little shocked as he watched the blur and plethora passing around him. Once the creature exploded in the now dark sky, Sly still seemed to be a little bit shocked before starting to look back Alucard, “Yes, I’d like to find some sort of HQ before another one of THEM attacks us.” All the while, he started to get up into the tree and follow Steve, “So what is this…world, was it?…called?” Meanwhile, Vector nodded a little bit, “Indeed something is afoot here, and I don’t think it’s just going to go away on its on. Therefore, we need to get moving and find some clues.” Just then, he heard the sounds of movement and groaning only to catch a glimpse of the zombies only to use his ‘music’ to attack them, seeing quite a few fall down before following his new acquaintance.