Red rubbed her nose on the sleeves of her jacket, the cold making it run. She pulled the slide back on her handgun and confirmed that it was, indeed, still loaded - a process she had repeated at least 18 times while walking down the tunnel. If asked, she would have said it paid to be safe, but in reality it was just a mixture of boredom and minor anxiety that was making her nervous and a little on edge, and the familiarity of the routine calmed her down. Her rifle stayed slung around her back at the time; while it would have been perfectly serviceable in the subway tunnels, she simply preferred her handgun in areas like this, especially since her rifle didn't have a flashlight attached, as it would've weighted the end down and bothered Red to no end. Also, carrying her handgun was easier than the rifle. Her ears started to feel the sting of a cold draft lazily breezing through the tunnels, even underneath her hat. Eventually, Javiar stopped the group and started to rebrief them on the situation. It wasn't anything she hadn't heard before; New York fell into the shitter and now they're going in alone to pull it back out of the shitter. Once he had finished and started looking around, a sudden light appeared from within the subway car. Red, following protocol, levelled her handgun at the source of the light and flicked the safety off, but kept her finger off the trigger for now. A soldier appeared, one that looked as though she'd been here for a while already. She took a cue from everyone else lowering her guns and took her aim off the soldier as well, popping the magazine of her handgun out and making sure it was loaded for the 19th time. The new soldier - whose name was Armond, if her uniform's nametag was to be believed - casually walked into the midst of the group as if she had always belonged, which confused Red. Were they supposed to meet a contact? She didn't quite remember from the original briefings; but then again, that might have been because she fell asleep while they were explaining the mission back at base camp. "Howdy, y'all," the female soldier said in a noticeable accent, before proceeding to ask for some gum. Red, meanwhile, was still staring at the woman quizzically, confused by her presence, before eventually just shaking her head and heading up onto the subway platform, mostly ignoring the new arrival and expecting Javiar to brief her or something. Up until now, they had been upwind (well, updraft) of the platform, but upon getting closer to the tents she noticed an utterly rank smell emenating from within. Having known what a corpse smells like, she pulled her mask on quickly, breathing a deep breath of the stale but breathable recycled air, and opened the tent flaps; surely enough, inside this particular tent was a half-rotted corpse of a man, his clothes in tatters and his scraggly beard somehow managing to hang onto his partially decomposed face. "We got a dead one. No wounds; looks like a plague victim," she said to no one in particular, her voice coming out ever-so-slightly garbled due to her mask. A cursory pat-down on the corpse showed he wasn't carrying anything on him, not even a wallet. Red mentally lamented the fact that the first thing she saw on the mission was a corpse - it certainly was an ominous omen she wasn't quite happy with.