Deus smiled at Marcus's action. But he was ashamed that he had not learned to predict his opponents move, for what Deus was about to do, he would need to fix the Gym and Heal the students later. When Marcus had kicked him he made sure to stick the staff to the ground. Deus was sent flying as he took the hit, and once the Electric Field was within range of Sol and Marcus, he activated the Electric Field, making everything inside of it get electrocuted. Deus had never field tested the Technique, but there was a first for everything. This Technique had a 95/10% Accuracy, meaning it was sure to hit anything since. He began to unseath Kusanagi from the Red Cloth. [i]Lets see what happens now, If Marcus negates this then I could use it as a distraction. It all depends on how he percieves Alchemy, whether as Magic or Science. I see it as Science[/i] Deus was in one knee, his back got wounded pretty badly.