Grayliks was gazing off a cliff at the scene before him, he was in one of the high-level areas and had just beaten a mini-boss in the area a moment ago, it was a dangerous area but it had great scenery. he looked on for another minute before turning around to continue on when he received a message about the same time that a group of players came out the trees into the clearing. the party consisted of a Knight, a Healer, a Mage, a Fighter, a Cleric, and a Crossbowman. they spread out the knight was in the middle with the fighter and cleric moving to either side, their mage and crossbowman were close behind them ready to use ranged attacks and the healer was a safe distance away waiting to buff and heal his allies, an then the knight spoke "Grayliks, we challenge you to a duel" Grayliks simply looked at them for a moment before responding... "...I refuse" and with that he used a portal scroll and opened a portal to the nearest town and closing it when he went through, leaving the knight standing there with a shocked expression, then he opened the massage from Datze. he laughed a bit at it and got his portal scroll out again an opened a portal to just outside Datze's castle and stepped through. He looked back at the wrecked doors as he walked through them, looking forward again he noticed Bonum and Katherine "oh hey Bonum, Katherine" he looked over at the pillar landing in the courtyard "so Koumi's here too"