As the huge lumbering black mask wearing Majini approached, It was easy for the dhampir to read the slow axes movements as the fiend swung down from above, using his quick and agile movements, an afterimage appeared as the half vampire slid backwards without losing his stance, as if the floor was a fast moving escalator, and with such fast movement, he was able to avoid the strike that was coming down before him. With time needed for the Executioner Majini to swing again, Alucard took his time to attack and so, using his cape, he swung it open, unleashing three balls of molten hellfire from within, which quickly exploded in the Majini's face upon impact, sending his foe several feet back, wounded and blind from the strikes, thus allowing Alucard to make a follow attack, snapping his fingers, he consumed some of his spiritual essence to summon forth from the depths of hell a possessed sword, about half as large as he was, it quickly fired toward its foe, as by Alucards will, pierced through the jugular of the Majini, forcing to grip onto the summon sword in pain, but as its hands touched the steel of its blade, all he Executioner could feel was more pain as the hands used to grab the sword suffered unimaginable burns, before eventually the whole Executioners body was set a flame. To finish off his opponent, Alucard de-summoned his familiar demon sword whilst deciding to run forward, using the axe as a stepping stone, Alucard landed atop the head of the lumbering fool and stabbed his sword into the huge Majini's head, before launching away, allowing the blood to gush from the wound and finish his opponent in a terrifyingly gruesome fashion. Alucard preparing himself for the next encounter, his expression stoic, unchanged. [b]"One more defeated."[/b]