Thanks for the interest guys! I'll get an OOC up tomorrow, which for me is in about 6-8 hours. We'll have fun with this one, I think :D [quote=@Geoffrey Silt] Feels a lot like a group of people for a while going "See I shouldn't have done anything my life is garbage" etc then a month later they're all singing Kumbaya around a fire! I'm in! [/quote] Unless their neurotic tendencies get entrenched by the freedom of being on a desert island, in which case we're looking at a Halloween scenario! [quote=@NewSun] Sounds kind of fun, i'll throw some interest here because SyrianHamster. [/quote] Trying to remember you. It was the nation RP wasn't it? with the custom races and stats that ultimately exploded in my face? I think that's it. In any case, glad to have you aboard. [quote=@datadogie] I'll be throwing my bit of interest in here. +1 interest [/quote] I'll throw my bit into your bit. +1 interest to your interest.