[img]https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/236x/dc/f8/2a/dcf82ab900f0973486767636c22f051b.jpg[/img] [color=ed145b][u][b]Name:[/b][/u][/color] Deborah Wright [color=ed145b][u][b]Age and Grade:[/b][/u][/color] 16-years-old, 11th grade [color=ed145b][u][b]Gender:[/b][/u][/color] Female [color=ed145b][u][b]Appearance:[/b][/u][/color] Debs is somewhat below average height for a girl her age, and, while not chubby exactly, has a developed a bit of a tummy due to her love of junk food. This, combined with her flat chest, gives her an unflattering resemblance to a pear. Her hair is black (dyed, it was originally a light brown), short, messy, kind of feathery in style, framing a rounded, pale face. Debs rarely brushes her hair or tries to manage it in anyway. She wears glasses over her hazel eyes, and while it has been suggested to her to wear contact lenses, she is afraid of touching her eye so she refuses to. As she feels quite sensitive about her body, she prefers clothes that are quite baggy and comfortable, rather than ones that hug her figure. She [i]does[/i] wear leggings under her shorts, though these are merely so she both remains mobile AND her legs aren't bare. She doesn't wear much in the way of make-up, but she does like using nail vanish, usually painting her nails green, blue or purple. Due to her lack of sleep, she has recently developed quite ugly bags under her eyes. [color=ed145b][u][b]Personality:[/b][/u][/color] Deborah has a tendency to come off as sullen and stand-offish to others. While in truth, she's just shy and has some trouble expressing her feelings to others, this unfortunately translates as Deborah seeming, well, kind of bored and cynical most of the time. She does have a sense of humour, albeit quite a dry and snarky one, and if she feels comfortable enough around you and you engage her in a conversation that interests her, she'll become a little more expressive - heck, if you play your cards right, you might even get a [i]smile[/i] out of her. Unfortunately, Debs rarely feels comfortable around others, especially large crowds, and can retreat into herself when feeling threatened, becoming more gloomy or irritable, even to the point of snapping at others, and she can rarely stand being around other people for extended amounts of time. As such, she often keeps her distance from others, preferring reading to socialising, and doesn't have much in the way of close friends. Despite seeming apathetic, however, she has quite the empathy, and is able to read the emotions of others quite well, and will try her best to help others if they seem to be in any way distressed to her. [color=ed145b][u][b]Backstory:[/b][/u][/color] Debs' life has been pretty normal, if not a little lonely, as it's only been mostly her and her mother Lydia for as long as she can remember. She did have a Dad, who was in a relationship with Lydia for a short time, but they quickly discovered that they were not an ideal match, and since Lydia herself had grown up without a father, she wasn't a desperate to keep the far around for Deborah's sake. Lydia worked in retail, and had to work a lot in order to keep her and her daughter fed, so Debs spent a lot of time at her grandmother's, who only lived on the other side of Sandalwood from them, and was very happy to look after her granddaughter. It was through her Grandma that Debs first learnt about the occult, as her Grandma had a set of old Tarot cards in her house which she had bought on one of her trips when she was younger. Though Debs wasn't entirely sure how to use the cards, she did like looking at them. Later, for her eleventh birthday, her Grandma actually gave Debs' the cards, as well as a book she had bought about how to read them, as well as some other books about subjects like various legends and folk tales, out-of-body experiences and lucid dreaming. Debs read these books occasionally but didn't really understand them, and wasn't too interested in most of them. It was only a couple of years ago when her grandmother started to show signs of severe dementia and had to be sent to a retirement home that Debs, starting to undergo her first signs of depression, started reading the books and actually trying out various things they had suggested, training herself to read the Tarot card, and also attempting to have a lucid dream. It was then the weird dreams started. Deborah usually didn't remember her dreams, but ever since she's been trying to achieve a lucid dream, she's been having very vivid, creepy dreams. They're all pretty different, but they have one thing in common: darkness. They always involve Debs being unable turn on lights in her house in her surroundings, or having to find special lights to ward some kind of monster off. At first, they didn't bother her, but as they became more vivid and crazy, Debs stopped being able to sleep in the dark, and eventually she was too afraid to sleep at night at all, having to take naps during the day. Hoping to desensitise herself to her dreams, she's been watching horror movies non-stop, in hopes that her dreams will stop scaring her. However, it seems that horror movies might just be making her dreams worse, and she's actually become more irritably, distant and tired of recently, even falling asleep in classes. She just wants to sleep peacefully again. But what can she do? [color=ed145b][u][b]Skills and Strengths:[/b][/u][/color] - Debs has a great memory... but only for things that interest her. For example, she can remember every book she's read so well she rarely has to reread them, she can remember various plot-points in her favourite shows, and has a well of knowledge when it comes to mythology and folklore. Unfortunately, this memory does help her in her school studies. - Debs is a pretty good cook, and enjoys experimenting with different recipes. - Deborah is very stubborn, and while this may be a bad thing sometimes, it means that once she's committed to an idea, she sticks to it. - Debs is surprisingly patient, laid-back and mostly calm, allowing her to act as a voice of reason. However, as she prefers to stay out conflict, this voice of reason is unlikely to be exercised unless she's personally involved in the conflict at hand. - She's quite good at sensing the feelings of others. - Since her nightmares began, Debs has actually done some extensive research into the psychology of sleep and dreams in hopes of finding a way to cure her 'condition', and while she had yet to find out the cause, she has quite a good bit of knowledge of the subject. - Due to her dreams and her dabbling in the supernatural beforehand, while she isn't entirely sold on concepts such as ghosts and monsters, she actually very open-minded, and is very likely to take any supernatural discoveries in her strides. [color=ed145b][u][b]Flaws and Weaknesses:[/b][/u][/color] - Deborah can't lie. She may keep her opinion to herself if she isn't asked for it directly, but if you do ask her, don't expect any sugar coating. - Debs tries her best to keep her feelings inside, but if she becomes too frustrated or upset, expect her to lash out at the people around her, even if they have nothing to do with how she's currently feeling. - Deborah is crap at sports, and an incredibly slow runner to boot. Because of this, she tries her best to avoid gym class, but the teachers always find her. She can also get exhausted fairly easily, made worse by her lack of sleep, which might make getting away from monsters very difficult. - Deborah is terrified of the dark, and constantly has to sleep with a nightlight on, which she is incredibly embarrassed about. - Debs has a tendency to daydream or fidget in class, and rarely pays attention. As such, her knowledge has several gaps in it, and her teachers are constantly frustrated with her. - Debs actually has depression. She's not suicidal, far from it, but she is taking anti-depressants and is seeing a therapist every two weeks. She keeps this a secret from most people at school, but it certainly explains her apathy. - Her stubbornness, as mentioned before, can sometimes have bad consequences, as it can cause her to argue with others. - If she has negative feelings towards a person or a situation, expect her to be quite vocal about it. [color=ed145b][u][b]Quirks:[/b][/u][/color] - Has something of an oral fixation, and is rarely seen without a snack or a drink of some kind. If she has no access to food, she'll often substitute it by chewing on her hair, fingernails, pencil, toothpick, gum etc. Some people believe this is so she has less reason to speak. - Refers to everyone as 'bro', even if they are a girl. - She has a secret love for magical anime and manga. Shh! Don't tell anyone! It's somewhat of a guilty pleasure for her. [color=ed145b][u][b]Other:[/b][/u][/color] - Theme song: [youtube]https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1OdTWnOdK4A[/youtube] - Theme colour is reddish-pink!