I've got this here, i'm still working on it a bit though [hider=Thing] [img]http://th00.deviantart.net/fs71/PRE/f/2013/295/0/c/iliveinabottle_v_final__post__by_zasalamell-d6rhawh.jpg[/img] [b]Name[/b]: Jaydar [b]Age[/b]: 45 (considered young) [b]Level[/b]: 8 [b]Race[/b]: Dragonkin [b]Affiliation[/b]: Unaffiliated [b]Equipment[/b]: Medium Armor, Enchanted Bastard Sword [b]Skills[/b]: Jaydar is skilled in combat and magic. as a Dragonkin, he has heightened senses as well as increased speed and strength. He is adept at enchanting items and weapons with special properties. [b]Magic[/b]: [i]Hand of Winter[/i] - Releases a burst of intense cold, damaging nearby enemies as well as freezing them. [i]Arcane bolt[/i] - Fires a bolt of magical energy. [i]SpellShield[/i] - Generates protective shield that helps divert incoming attacks. [i]Drain life[/i] - Creates a sinister bond with the target, draining its life energy in order to heal the caster. [i]Stonefist[/i] - Launches a stone projectile at a target. [i]Energy barrage[/i] - Launches a salvo of elemental blasts that home in on targets. Element can be Ice, Fire or Lightning. [i]Flashfire[/i] - Fires a ball of flame that explodes on impact [i]Elemental weapons[/i] - He can augment his and his allies weapons with either Flame, Ice, or Lightning in battle [b]Talents[/b]: Jaydar is a skilled swordsman and uses his speed to his advantage to dodge attacks. if he doesn't have his sword he will use his claws, feet, and even his tail to fight. He can use his Dragonbreath ability to breath fire, frost, or just throw back his enemies. His hide can withstand many types of magic attacks such as fire, ice, and lightning granting him a better resistance to their effects. [b]Class[/b]: Arcane Warrior [b]Personality[/b]: [b]Biography[/b]: Unknown [b]Other[/b]: [/hider]