[center][h1]Ribald[/h1][/center] A man stood by his truck door, stark still and in shock in the dark woods. [color=00a651]"Uh... Cat, you heard that right? I'm not going crazy here am I?" [/color]The German Shepard barked in agreement. What Ribald heard had caused his face to pale. Class 10 Packleader, [b]an alpha[/b]. He thought of the dangerous situation he was in- but then he [b][i]realized[/i][/b] the dangerous situation he was in. HERE, of all places, an ALPHA. Thats A-L-P-H-A, a bossman, the head honcho, the finest specimen he could ever dream for. He giggled. The lads back at HQ won't believe this. A pack leader meant a pack, which meant more wolves, which meant more juicy, delicious specimens. The science he could do! The samples, the experiments, the [i][b]interogations![/b][/i] He drooled a bit. [color=00a651]"Okay, Cat, new plan. Skip the grits for now. What- no just grab the trail mix in the glove box- We gotta do some recon."[/color] He drove the truck in the general direction of the sound. When his truck couldn't continue, he footed it, making use of his 5 years of hunting experience. There was definitely an occult presence here. A grizzly, normally pretty passive towards humans unless threatened, got a bit too close... Its about 15 meters behind him now convulsing and choking on its own blood after a single injector bolt. He kept his presence masked, applying a myriad of chemicals to eliminate his scent. Cat, was getting antsy, she knew they were near, but her training kept her silent and close. Signs of Whiskey Tangoes, were getting all the more intense. There den, whatever it was would definitely warded for intruders. He dared to go no further, but he had a lead. He started to head back, however he noticed the remnants of a hunt not his. Blood, deer blood. 2 dead, eaten. Scratch that, eaten quickly. Definitely a Whiskey Tango, didn't want to stay around for some reason. Probably a renegade intruding. He stopped again, a deer was alive, but scared, and tired. He saw it and it saw he, but opted not to move, it was far too exhausted. Odd, those Wolves could eat, leaving one alive was a new for him. It showed signs of pregnancy, another anomaly, 2-for-1's are highly sought after. Odd, but lucky for him, he took aim and took a dispassionate shot a it, hitting it square in the heart, no need for poisons, for it being an entirely quick death. Hopefully he wouldn't meet anything else out here. [center][h1]Willard[/h1][/center] The diner was warm enough, the smell of frying egg and bacon beckoned him to take a seat at the booth while that pink haired -a part of the new youth culture he never understood- girl took his order as per usual. Now, he wasn't the most [i]hip and in touch[/i] old man in the town, but he was pretty sure that high school kids should be working, let alone this early. Shouldn't they be off with their friends, or sleeping in, or whatever. This fact of which caused him to feel sorry for the girl as she let slip a few yawns. [color=f49ac2]"Mr. Wilard. Good to see you up so early, just like always. [/color] [color=f7976a]"Thankyou,"[/color] he smiled as he sat, [color=f7976a]"but I could say the opposite for you. You should sleep in one of these days, take a morning off, I'm sure that one Becky lass can cover for you."[/color] He accepted the newspaper from her and took a sip of the good black brew. He meant to read through the daily news, but his mind was still heavy with the message that the wind brought. Surely, he had kept low over the past few months he was here. Sure he was making fast acquaintances with the towns folk, but he tried to not include any tidbits of his past... Would need to skip town or prepare for a confrontat- [color=f49ac2] "How are you this morning?"[/color] A sweet voice broke his line of thought. A plate of grits and steak placed gently in-front of him. He remembered where he was and chastised himself for the uncharacteristic loss of concentration. [color=f7976a]"Uh- yeh. I'm fine."[/color] He quickly spooned a bit of the grits to change the mood, [color=f7976a]"Mmmm, finely made. I swear it tastes better this morning. Give ol' Joe my commendation."[/color] He didn't need to worry these good folks,and was determined not to be a bother to Still Water. [color=f7976a]"How about you? How's school, er- uh- your folks? Your dad get that '78 fixed yet, or does he need me to help out again?"[/color] He laughed his baritone laugh, hoping to dodge any doubts from the girl. [@ViolentViolet]