[color=red] The response to Amphi was an appreciative smile. "Well, I'm glad you didn't assume I was smarter, because where I come from, everything is just as toxic, bright or dull." She considered hugging the mermaid, but decided that it was too risky; she might startle her or get stabbed or, seeing as Luz was bisexual, maybe siren-ed to death in some way shape or form. So instead she just patted the young woman on the shoulder. "Don't sweat it. It was kind of you to inform me, and I'm not at all offended. A little pause because of the quietly whirring gears in her mind, and she continued. "Between the mangoes, the clams, and the rest of what I lugged along on the ship, I think there's enough to make dinner, and I don't want to spend too long out here- it creeps me out a little, nature at night and all. It was a pleasure learning from you out here; maybe you'd want to cook with me?" [i]The fish will have to wait till another day.[/i] She started to head back toward camp and made a mental note to definitely go fishing tomorrow. [/color]