OK with the Interest check up I hope we have a few new players to join us. I just put the link to this thread over there. I need all of you guys to edit your character sheet so that "Clues" is a new topic and you list what clues you have so far gathered (physical, overheard, etc) and whether or not you have told anyone in the group about it. Yeah I know I need to do it too. It's just easier for me to track what I've handed out if I can easily see it apart from the bulk of your character. I will also be PMing you with new skills learned on the road based on your actions throughout the course of the adventure. Gear and equipment should remain pretty much the same as nothing has happened that has caused us to loose it except Aiden should no longer have a crossbow and Arugurios should have a bag of basic food stuffs he purchased/threatened his way into acquiring. Chapter 2 begins this weekend. Questions? Comments? Suggestions? Basket of Kittens?