"Well, I'm certainly not opposed to Trey joining... whatever he is," I say to the rest of my group, making sure that Trey heard it. I then gesture for him to fly down here, and add "Also, I think it might be in our best interest to head back to the blacksmith. Wait, where was that town, again?" I look around this clearing, and somehow notice several footprints miraculously preserved, at least preserved enough for us to follow them. "Ah, never mind, I think I found out where it is," I then say to the others as I follow the footprints back, not paying attention to anything that may be of importance, but still making sure that the rest of my group, backstabs included, was following me back to the town. Thanks to how direct the footprints were, it didn't take too long for me to find the town again, and the blacksmith not too long afterwards. "Oh, it's you. Your stuff's ready," the smith points out, though, something about the way he said it made me think he wasn't too thrilled to see us, let alone see us so early in the morning. He lays out all of our equipment, and I immediately take my rapier, leaving the spear tip and the dagger for the rest of the group, or, at least, those who needed weapons. "Thank you, good sir," I then say to the smith. I then look back at my old sword, but couldn't find any new information that might tell me who it belonged to. I wouldn't sell it, no matter how much they offered. This wasn't even my sword to sell, and I'm certain whoever this is has living family who might want to know that their relative died in a battle somewhere. It might not be the best news for them, but it's better than just leaving them in the dark about said relative.